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Posts posted by Yoshimano

  1. As usual, one on the channels ceased working definitely. This is usually announced by a dark and buzzing messanger called M. Hiss, that shows up a couple of weeks before.

    Don't really know what to do after having the pair replaced : keep it or resell it and buy high-end x10 earphones? or just going on that stupid cycle of buying 60€ earphones per year..

  2. Some news for you, guys!

    After my second Image S4 pair of earphones died last June, I had bought some to replace them. They died last November.

    What's more to say about this product? This is getting really annoying. If at least Klipsch upper ranges of earphones guaranteed better durability, but I have no clue about that..!

  3. That's it, my second (third, actually) pair died, they just give a horrible sound and the warranty is now expired... That made almost exactly one year.

    That's really pissing me off! I even bought two sets of replacement ear cushions. Seems like the S4 just can't last too long...Will I have to buy one new pair every two years, and send that pair for replacement once a year?

  4. That angled/straight connector topic seems like an endless debate, doesn't it? [:)]

    I'll soon be having used mine for one year oin a couple of months, keeping my fingers crossed! I have to say I'm frequently using my S4, moving them in and out of my pocket, and plugging them into my smart phone, so I can say they undergo recurring efforts with something close to heroism!

  5. It's been around six months too I received my third pair and I've been using them since. Well I'm quite pleased with the fact they are still working properly and sound great. I even tried a brand new one of these expensive Monster Beats headphones, and the Image S4 stand well against these. I bought them on an online shop but they always were fair and replaced the headphones the two first times without hesitation. So I trust them for selling genuine Klipsh headphones. When it comes to how weary the pair has come, I have to say the paint has almost completely disappeared on one side, and the worst is the latex-like flexible part allowing the cable to move around the mini-jack connector has split on one side, probably due to my extensive use and the fact I'm always carrying my phone in my pocket. That shouldn't be happening, though. I guess an angled connector probably would avoid facing this issue, but I'm not working for Klispch, maybe they have their reasons. So far, so good, but the previous pair had lasted one year and a half before dying...

  6. I just got a replacement pair from the store, and as there is no apparent reason they made me that favor, these should still be the Image S4, and not the S4i.

    So it seems Klipsch changed their design as the new pair features a straight jack connector like in the pictures with the nano.

    I'll send you photos, and keep you posted about their durability. But I wish I won't!

  7. Thanks for the pictures! What surprises me is the jack connector is now straight whereas I was told the angled ones were more resistant! More, it seems the wire is directly bound to the jack while the current model of S4 we all have here feature a wire that's loose inside the connector's opening.. So it all seems the current version looks like the perfect one, and the new version less durable.. puzzling!

  8. I'm sorry you took my word for you Louis, and nobody here wants to treat you as an old man. I wasn't replying to you because I hadn't noticed your first post, and never made any bets on how you're choosing earphones. So I guess no one is questionning your own experience with the S4 and any input is welcome.

    The last post was aimed at you, indeed. Anyway, I like your lifestyle, looks you have had (and still have) a cool lifetime. Why think about the end? You're only 60! My grand dad turned 74 yesterday, and he's still young and I can't picture him leaving.

  9. "I noticed you two are new here and are welcome to post what ever you
    wish (with in the forum rules) but for you to Guess how long these have
    been tested in the family shows me you must be you have much to learn
    about life."

    M. Bartay,

    You must be older than me if you're old enough to have a grand daughter and have owned items for more than thirty years.

    This is the reason why I wouldn't like to show disrespect to you. However, I have serious doubts about taking your earphones out of your ears as a proof of how good you're living your life. Thus, even from someone whose respectable age may give him the feeling he's entitled to do so, I do not have to be told what I have to learn from life from someone I don't know at all.

    Moreover, I have never taken my earphones violently out of my ears and never while holding them by the wire. Since I already have a beloved grandfather who already taught me himself to treat your belongings well, I do so. I hardly can be held for responsible for the earphones no to work any longer.

    In addition to that, I feel sad to read from someone claiming to have things to teach about life while he's doing grammatical errors.

    From a french guy.

  10. Thanks for your input Morberg,

    that's a relief when you feel you're not the only one and understand you're probably not so much responsible when your favourite Klipsch pair of earphones died!

    And as you wisely said, it's not really doable to review a pair of headphones on their reliability after only a couple of days. So you're all welcome to provide you own feedback about your own Klipsch earphones for everyone to get a more realistic picture of their quality.

  11. What else can we say except it sucks? That's exactly the same that thing that I described before..!
    The worst in it is I can't find anything else that matches the perfect seal of the earbuds and I really like the sound of the S4..
    So will I have to buy the same pair every year? That's not exactly my idea of high-end products..
    And even if I bought the praised X10, what can assure me it won't happen with that model? Anyway, the idea of having to give up with the S4 is unbearable to me.

  12. Klipsch's reputation has grown because of both the quality of the products it designs and their reliability.

    Indeed, this was my feeling last year, when I decided to join it's community of customers getting my own pair of Image S4 headphones.

    I bought them on the internet and was really pleased with the sound, especially the stereo image. Was stunned me the most was the effiency of the seal, as it really rolled off ambient noise and allowed even bass frequencies to be heard even in noisy environments.

    This far, I had all reasons to be satisfied with my purchase. However, I soon encountered a problem I was definitely trying to get rid of: the terrible headphones-single-channel death: the right channel brutally stopped working, for no apparent reason. The seller immediately replaced the headphones and I since I got them back I have been using them for a little less than on year until yesterday. Yesterday, that damn problem occured again. And I'm beginning to seriously wonder whether the headphones are "factory-corrupted" and Klipsch's craftsmanship is to be questionned or if I was just really unlucky.
    Whatever, this is unacceptable to me and I'm at a loss with what to do. I can't even inspect the inside of those unmoutable earphones to check if there's a disconnected wire or something..
    So all kind of help would be really appreciated and ifyou have experienced the same problem with the image S4 or any other product from the "Image" series, please feel welcome to talk about it here.
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