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Posts posted by Panos82

  1. For the price you paid you should!

    I mean even the cheapest default iPhone 4s earbud doesn't do that!

    It seems to be an issue with the microphone.

    Anyway I'm going to return them very disappointed because it is such a basic functionality.

    I'm not complaining that e.g the build quality is not good... that is very subjective. Or the sound is not good which it is.

    I'm complaining that it fails in its main purpose to make phone calls!

  2. Hi guys,

    I have a very weird problem.

    I just bought the Klipsch s4i. It's just been a week.

    Audio & built quality is good enough for me.Big improvement over the iPhone 4s headphones.

    There is just a very strange problem:

    When I'm making a phone call and especially before the person that I'm phoning to picks up, there is a very uncomfortable hiss noise coming from the headphones. It seems as the microphone makes the noise and it's been amplified through the headphones.The hiss background noise continues while I'm speaking in a smaller degree.

    The weird thing is that if I try to make the same call through the skype application in my iphone, no hiss sound at all.

    *When listening to music no hiss sound at all*

    Any one experience that? Any advice?



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