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  1. How can I tame the highs on my KL-7800 in wall horns, the highs are too bright, I would like to tone them down a little without using the treble control. I'm using an Integra DTR 70.4, with all Klipsch in wall THX speakers 11.1 My bass is beautiful with four SVS PB13- Ultras. My three front KL-7800 are behind a scope 140" diag AT screen. The room is heavily treated for all reflections and really huge bass traps. The sound is amazing, but the three front horns are more shrill than I would like. Audyssey XT32 has done its magic on the bass, its smooth, cleaned and very refined, the horns just seem too bright! I saw a video in youtube to tame Klipsch horns, but surely there must be an easier way than this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqMk5mUhD3s My cinema is here. You will see the three KL-7800 in the build. http://www.rapalloav.co.nz/blog/rapallo-home-cinema-build
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