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Posts posted by K2RGF

  1. I do apologize to everyone for the super late reply. Thank you for all the replies. 

    My sistuation has changed. We now live in an apartment and I am now just getting around to figure out what direction I should go.

    Few months ago I was able to listen to two different sets of Cornwalls. One set was stock and the other set was upgraded with new crossovers. Both sets sounded fantastic. 

    Here comes the "but" I'm thinking the Cornwalls might be to large for the apartment. I won't be able to listen loud like I was able too when we had the house. 

    Onto the valve amplifiers and pre's. I looked into Bob Latinos amps, McIntosh and then came across a fellow named Craig from NOS Valves. Everything I read about Craig and Bob have been positive. 


    So.... this is what I'm looking for and need a push in the correct direction:


    Gear will be in the living room. 

    Want a tube pre and tube amp

    Media: CD and Viyl

    Listening levels will be no higher then medium?? 

    Looking for detail on lower listing levels. 

    Music is classic rock to metal. 

    (Led Zep-Metallica)


    I can provide room dimensions this evening if anyone needs to know. 

    Thank you again!!!!



  2. Hello all,

    First post in the community but have been lurking for a few months. Was undecided if I wanted to take the leap into a new adventure. It wasn't until I walked into a record store and heard a pair of amazing speakers.

    Emblem on the front read Klipsch. I have a 2.1 klipsch setup for the computer. Sounds good but nowhere near these speakers in the record store.

    I ask the kid behind the counter what model speakers are we listening to? Klipsch!!

    Ok...! They sound amazing...I would like to do a little research on them so I need a little more info. Kid says Cornwalls!! I kinda laugh. Go over to the left speaker and snap a few pictures with my cell phone. I'm thinking this kids pulling my leg.

    I walk around and am blown away by the sound. They had on Parkway Drive which is a pretty heavy band. I swear I heard an extra guitar on those Cornwalls that I never heard on my speakers! Pick up a Guns N' Roses vinyl import and now back at the counter to pay.

    Ask the kid hey what receiver are you guys using? "Boss has some kinda tube amp". Ok thanks!!

    Couldn't wait to get home and look up these Cornwalls. I didn't know what to expect.. As I'm typing Cornwalls I'm thinking, is this the name of his band? Maybe some new sneaker? Hit return and those beauties come up. Same set from the record store. Little more searching and I'm up to the wee hours reading everyone's posts in this community.

    Here I am..after researching tube amplification and am still lost.

    The music that the entire family listens to is all over the board.

    I listening tastes are more:

    Led Zep

    Alice n Chains

    Guns n Roses


    and some heavy stuff.

    My wife on the other hand listens more to

    Bachata and Salsa..

    My nine year old listens to Ahhh Justin Bieber type music.

    I would like the community to chime in and recommend an amplifier for the diverse music listened to.

    Room is not that large. 10ft ceiling, 16x18.

    Opinions on tube amp kits?

    Thank you



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