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Jim Naseum

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Posts posted by Jim Naseum

  1. Looks like they're will be many ways for people to get injured by drones. Many are just remote control toys that are easy to crash!!!lol

    Then if people begin shootingat them, you have another huge problem. Are drones different than a rc airplane?? There use to be tons of restrictions about flying rc planes. Pepperazziis are going to start using these for more spying... Not on me of course!!! Lol do I control the air above mu house??? Can I swat them down freely??can kidsfly them??

  2. Manute Bol killed a lion with a spear aftet it killed some of his cows.

    Unlike the dentist, that was perfectly alright in my opinion.

    Self defense, defense of other animals, food need... All seem legitimate morally. Death and suffering are present in the world for numerous reasons. It pains me to see it. This is why causing such suffering for trivial reasons, unnecessary reasons, is a sin. The whole idea behind moral codes is making each of these decisions as right or wrong. Some codes, like the ancient Hebrew had, thousands of rules. Also Muslims have a lot of rules.

    In the 17th century philosophers declared that animals had no feeling of any kind and could therefore be abused in any way that a man found useful. Descartes,I think. You could just run your ox to death any time. That idea persists to this day in some mind. Competing with that is the Buddhist and Hindi view that all sentient beings deserve respect (or even reverence)for their feeling and suffering. These are competing moral frames. Each side no doubt claims to be right. My dogs and I prefer the Buddhist view!!lol!!! It's not a one way street. Man can be so uplifted by animals!!



    Does it matter to the cow if she is killed by a mountain lion, a mechanical killing device at the slaughter house, or the by the farmer who raised her who is going to save that one to feed his family with?

    it matters to the entire conscious universe that some people create suffering for fun. If killing lion for fun is perfectly ok, how about fighting pet dogs in rings for good laughs? remmeber the cretin named Michael Vick? let's all gather on main street with dogs, beat them half to death and starve them and set them onto each other for fun. What's the difference? their going to die anyway? what does it matter how they die, or why they die? fun is fun. mike vick should get a medal and put some dog heads on his walls, right?

    you keep asking, "whats the differnce?" is it possible you see no distinction in motivations? should we have all those legal defintiions like manslaughter and murder and premediation if motive makes no difference in life? should we have any respect for any animal life at all? I have to wonder. i didn't know so many people had no compassion for animals. im a little sick by the thought.

    I don't think it should be legal to bring in the hide or head of a lion into the USA

    There are a lot of people who disagee with me on that.

    So why was this such, big, big news. Hunting in the US is legal in EVERY state in the US. It is a major source of revenue in many states, directly and indirectly. It is government supported and subsidized.

    People are caught all the time in the US hunting illegally. There is zome news about that.

    I don't really see a difference between

    a pwrson who buys their beef at the supermarket and a guy who raises a cow on his land, lets her roam around and eat good grass, free of chemicals, and then one day his wife says "we are running low on hamburger" and he saunters out his back door with his favorite firearm, takes aim, forms the intent and with premediation, pulls the trigger and shoots it right between the eyes.

    Is the difference that some animals are farm raised and others are wild? If a duck is raised on a farm it is alright to kill and eat, but not a wild one?

    I dont think buying meat at the supermarket gets someone off the hook for being the reason an animal is killed. Every two breasts person buys means someone, somewhere has got to got out and intentionally kill a chicken.

    I don't think intent has anything to do with it. When a person eats meat they do it intentionally, and the result is it kills animals.

    I think the difference for a lot of people is whether it is a wild animal or not.

    In your farm example the intent was to make food. The dentist intent was to make fun. You still see no difference?

    I don't want killing for fun on my soul.

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  4. Since the lion killer is a rich American WASP, and the lion murder took place in Africa his chances of being penalized in any serious way are nil. He will hire expensive specialists to write and publish apologies to the American media. Money covers a lot of stench.

    The best thing that could happen would be that God would enlighten his soul for the benefit of life everywhere, and he would sense that life suffers whether a whale, a lion, or his own children. He needs a conversion of his consciousness.

  5. Does it matter to the cow if she is killed by a mountain lion, a mechanical killing device at the slaughter house, or the by the farmer who raised her who is going to save that one to feed his family with?

    it matters to the entire conscious universe that some people create suffering for fun. If killing lion for fun is perfectly ok, how about fighting pet dogs in rings for good laughs? remmeber the cretin named Michael Vick? let's all gather on main street with dogs, beat them half to death and starve them and set them onto each other for fun. What's the difference? their going to die anyway? what does it matter how they die, or why they die? fun is fun. mike vick should get a medal and put some dog heads on his walls, right?

    you keep asking, "whats the differnce?" is it possible you see no distinction in motivations? should we have all those legal defintiions like manslaughter and murder and premediation if motive makes no difference in life? should we have any respect for any animal life at all? I have to wonder. i didn't know so many people had no compassion for animals. im a little sick by the thought.

    • Like 2

    when I was 16 or so, bunch of guys said, lets go shoot rabbits in the desert! Ok, say i. we jump in a couple gars filled with various guns and go to the desert. I borrow a gun and the guy show me how to shoot it. we all run around the desert for hours shooting like mad all over. blah, blah. then, for some reason a rabbit runs behind a little mesquite bush, but hes on MY SIDE of the bush. not far from me. i aim and shoot and hot the rabbit. he jumps in the air with a weird rapid twwitching which I see and then flops down. i run up to it to see what I killed, but it wasn't dead. standing over it, it is breathing like very very rapid, his eye looks up to me. at this moment all i feel inside is the pain and the suffering of this brown rascal, trying so hard to breath and he is asking me - why did you shoot me? what did I do to you? and my stomach is knotted to watch this little think suffering and I hear it crying at me. i wondered if it could be repaired? but no, it was dying too slow. I shot it again to make it stop breathing and make it stop asking me why. I never again took a life with intention like that. just for fun, just to screwe around and just for a thrill. it made me sick for a long time to think of this rabbit. i began to understand that suffering is the same for animals as humans. why MAKE new suffering?

    later in life i got pet dogs. oh my!!! i learn how animals love, how they feel, how they suffer, how they know humans, how they know we know them! this was the final straw for me to know that if dogs have such sensations and feelings, then arrdvark and zebra will too. and little brown rabbits. death happens, and even intentional death like beef cattles. but not with a hardness of heart, or intention of getting a thrill from the pain of animals. Nature involves death, but morality involves knowing it is not right to cause pain in exchange for mere excitement of our ego. because if we can do that to lions and bears, we can do it to any living thing we judge to be inferior to us.

    if aliens ever do land on earth. we will slaughter them long before we know if they are good or bad. we will slaughter them like lions and rhinos and hang the alien head on wall.

    I'm with ya, but are you saying "meat is murder"? (Kind of a catchy phrase there).

    Is consuming meat a moral question? Is it ok to purchase meat in a supermarket, but not hunt?

    There was a Kung Fu episode dealing with eating meat and Cain said "I do not kill to eat." I told my parents that, my mom gave me more salad and vegetables. My dad kind of sat back and smiled but didn't say anything. I think I was in swim practice 2 or 3 hours a day at the time. I think I lasted about a day as a Shaolin vegetarian.

    It eating meat is wrong that is going to be an awfully big room. If eating meat is ok, isn't killing, killing? Does it matter to the cow if she is killed by a mountain lion, a mechanical killing device at the slaughter house, or the by the farmer who raised her who is going to save that one to feed his family with?


    what does food hjave to do with creating suffering for one's enjoyment?


    i eat some meat. Here's what I know about it. People grow the meat and other slaughter and prepare the meat. as best I know, there is no intention to make these animals suffer for the simple reason of having their head on a wall. I have said consistently, that was makes this a moral sin is to create suffering in others for your selfish pleasure.


    when people eat meat, they can even appreciate the sacrifice made by the animal. they can honor the animal. that's way different than chasing an animal with a gun, making it suffer and die NOT FOR EATING, but just for the joy of killing. Rich dentist didn't EAT the lion. Rich dentist didn't respect the life of lion. Rich dentist paid to murder the lion for only fun. That kind of INTENTION by humans is degrading. Death comes enough. suffering comes enough. do we need to create death and destruction as a pure amusement?


    i guess you see no importance in the intent of people. i do. if I accidentlyy run over an old lady in my car, i had no evil intent. it's a mistake, an accident, a tragedy. bad enough. but if i get in the car and drive around looking for old ladies to mow down and kill, that is morally wrong. i wish you could see that, but not every one can. they think man has the moral rightr to kill, destroy, main, create suffering for any reason they like.




    hunting and murder for intentional joy arises in people who have no spirit. often called consciousness. they are dead inside EXCEPT for the ego, which tells them they alone are important. they have no established connection with the feelings of other living things. they do not see any connection at all. ego says, only I exist, only I matter, no other thing is more important than I.

    others develope spirit inside. they develope a connection to lving things....comraderie? a wholeness that sees other lifes as different but not unimportant. look at a whale and see the intelligence, the caring, the feelings they show for their offsprings. Lions dogs cats have feelings and consciousness. we even love pets, which are just dogs and cats. how about we go dog hunting with bow and arrow and kill all dogs in the neighborhood? hey, they are less than lions, less than humans, might as well have fun shooting them!! get excitement killing all the dogs in the area! mount they heads on the wall too!! sick? how is that sicker than murdering elks or lions for fun?

    I hope the big God has special punishment for such unfeeling people. a room alone for eternity with no other living things?

    Like Earnest Hemmingway? Chuck Yeager? Bud Grant.

    They get their own room?

    i don't know much about the motivations of those people when they killed. but sure, if it was for a thrill of killing other living things, why not eternity alone? those names mean nothing by themselves. does writing books give on the right to murder? flying planes? i find it ridicilous to exhonerate a killer because of his other job. it tells me people are not equal, some are so special they cana't be judged.

    notice, i did not recommend hell. only a room by themselves to contemplate that they might appreciate other lving things.

    I am not aware of any country that considers killing an animal illegally to be murder, not even in India where in some areas animals are considered sacred. It can be described as many things, but muder isn't one of them. It has a particular meaning. There is a fundamental reason for this that relates to how society,values human life and incorporates that value into a legal system.

    Here is ten more to add to the room.


    Teddy, Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, etc.


    right....its not murder by laws, even im not so stupid to think that. it is moral murder, which means his INTENT was unjustified. he plotted and conspired to kill the animal for nothing more than his personal excitement. thats a moral murder in a conscious world where we undwerstand animals have sentience. maybe yuo have never had a pet dog or cat, and you are unaware that animals are sentient, and they have feelings. could be. if you are that unaware, try to understand what is known today about animals. if you know, and you simply feel so superiror that you have the right to kill whichever ones you want for fun or amusement, i pity you.


    i do not know if dan boone and dave crocket killed animal for amusement, but i suspect it was more about food. i can not judge those old cases you contonue to bring. I can judge the current one - - a very rich guy that is well fed pays $50000 just because he wants the thrill of that kill of a big lion. nothing to do with survivial, or eating food. its about another big precious animal head on wall and a photograph of The Great White Hunter. BARF!!!


    i advise people to get a pet, and learn about their place in the universe with all the other life. you will be shocked at what you learn about animals.

  8. when I was 16 or so, bunch of guys said, lets go shoot rabbits in the desert! Ok, say i. we jump in a couple gars filled with various guns and go to the desert. I borrow a gun and the guy show me how to shoot it. we all run around the desert for hours shooting like mad all over. blah, blah. then, for some reason a rabbit runs behind a little mesquite bush, but hes on MY SIDE of the bush. not far from me. i aim and shoot and hot the rabbit. he jumps in the air with a weird rapid twwitching which I see and then flops down. i run up to it to see what I killed, but it wasn't dead. standing over it, it is breathing like very very rapid, his eye looks up to me. at this moment all i feel inside is the pain and the suffering of this brown rascal, trying so hard to breath and he is asking me - why did you shoot me? what did I do to you? and my stomach is knotted to watch this little think suffering and I hear it crying at me. i wondered if it could be repaired? but no, it was dying too slow. I shot it again to make it stop breathing and make it stop asking me why.  I never again took a life with intention like that. just for fun, just to screwe around and just for a thrill. it made me sick for a long time to think of this rabbit. i began to understand that suffering is the same for animals as humans. why MAKE new suffering?


    later in life i got pet dogs. oh my!!! i learn how animals love, how they feel, how they suffer, how they know humans, how they know we know them! this was the final straw for me to know that if dogs have such sensations and feelings, then arrdvark and zebra will too. and little brown rabbits. death happens, and even intentional death like beef cattles. but not with a hardness of heart, or intention of getting a thrill from the pain of animals. Nature involves death, but morality involves knowing it is not right to cause pain in exchange for mere excitement of our ego. because if we can do that to lions and bears, we can do it to any living thing we judge to be inferior to us.


    if aliens ever do land on earth. we will slaughter them long before we know if they are good or bad. we will slaughter them like lions and rhinos and hang the alien head on wall.

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    hunting and murder for intentional joy arises in people who have no spirit. often called consciousness. they are dead inside EXCEPT for the ego, which tells them they alone are important. they have no established connection with the feelings of other living things. they do not see any connection at all. ego says, only I exist, only I matter, no other thing is more important than I.

    others develope spirit inside. they develope a connection to lving things....comraderie? a wholeness that sees other lifes as different but not unimportant. look at a whale and see the intelligence, the caring, the feelings they show for their offsprings. Lions dogs cats have feelings and consciousness. we even love pets, which are just dogs and cats. how about we go dog hunting with bow and arrow and kill all dogs in the neighborhood? hey, they are less than lions, less than humans, might as well have fun shooting them!! get excitement killing all the dogs in the area! mount they heads on the wall too!! sick? how is that sicker than murdering elks or lions for fun?

    I hope the big God has special punishment for such unfeeling people. a room alone for eternity with no other living things?

    Like Earnest Hemmingway? Chuck Yeager? Bud Grant.

    They get their own room?


    i don't know much about the motivations of those people when they killed. but sure, if it was for a thrill of killing other living things, why not eternity alone? those names mean nothing by themselves. does writing books give on the right to murder? flying planes? i find it ridicilous to exhonerate a killer because of his other job. it tells me people are not equal, some are so special they cana't be judged.


    notice, i did not recommend hell. only a room by themselves to contemplate that they might appreciate other lving things.

  10. hunting and murder for intentional joy arises in people who have no spirit. often called consciousness. they are dead inside EXCEPT for the ego, which tells them they alone are important. they have no established connection with the feelings of other living things. they do not see any connection at all. ego says, only I exist, only I matter, no other thing is more important than I.


    others develope spirit inside. they develope a connection to lving things....comraderie? a wholeness that sees other lifes as different but not unimportant. look at a whale and see the intelligence, the caring, the feelings they show for their offsprings. Lions dogs cats have feelings and consciousness. we even love pets, which are just dogs and cats. how about we go dog hunting with bow and arrow and kill all dogs in the neighborhood? hey, they are less than lions, less than humans, might as well have fun shooting them!! get excitement killing all the dogs in the area! mount they heads on the wall too!! sick? how is that sicker than murdering elks or lions for fun?


    I hope the big God has special punishment for such unfeeling people. a room alone for eternity with no other living things?

  11. lets face it....no matter all the rationalizing about shoes and meat and harvests.....some men just love killing. it thrills them. and if it didn't, they wouldn';t be doing it. can't be any simpler then that.


    you point a gun at a living thing...you see it in your sights, but you don't really see it at all. you don't see a mother, father, you don't see the babies depending on this parent, you don't imagine that animals have sentience, a life, meaning, feelings, pain, nothing matters to you but your "thrill seeking." who cares if animals suffer as long as I have some amusement. its a very special kind of selfishness. Cecil's entire family of many kids and even his brothers are now endangered because the alpha male has been murdered. dentist could care less about all these collateral damage he created. he got his rocks off killing with his bow. he can brag forever at the country club of his murderous exploitation. 

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  12. The dentist paid $50000 for the right to murder a lion. Nothing to do with meat. He wanted the preferred thrill of murdering a lion and being photographed with it. He just wanted to see how much must he can create with bow and arrow. He previously killed many animals wit bow. His obsession is the pleasure of killing with bow. What are the rationalizations for such pleasure??? I guess any pleasure is fine as long as animals are killed???

  13. in human killing we have many degrees, right? it is always something to do with intent. manslaughter is not same as premeditatting murder, which is the worst because of the intent.


    when man plans and pays to kill this lion for nothing but ego joy, and sick amusement, he is comiting premediated murder of the lion.

  14. Also, as another example, I learned enough about snakes to understand how to tell which ones are poisonous and also, how to handle/catch them.  I am not afraid of snakes.


    When I hear people talk of killing snakes, they usually are just ignorant.  "The only good snake is a dead snake."  I try to advise them that life is more complicated than that and that snakes are good and useful.  I tell them how rare it is to encounter a poisonous snake.  I have caught 1,000's of snakes throughout my 47 years, and in that same time-frame, I have probably encountered fewer than 10 poisonous snakes.  Essentially, these people are killing harmless snakes out of a misplaced fear and pure ignorance.  I tell them that all they have to do is take a small amount of time to learn which snakes are poisonous (there are only 4), and even then, the odds of encountering them are slim-to-none.  The 4 poisonous snakes in America are:




    Water Moccasin

    Coral Snake


    It should not be too hard to know how to spot those 4.  Taking the time would really improve their humanity and stewardship.

    +10!!! LOL


    I wanted to put 2 likes on this, but i can't, so i can say yahoo! +10!!! LOL this is how grwon people are supposed to think about life, about nature. not sitting around planning on killing stuiff with bows ansd arrows!!! what a imature mind even tho he has a dental degree he is a functional imparired human.book smarty people are not always the best people.

  15. and my childhood bee smashing sprees.


    but i bet you grew out of that, right?LOL....you don't do it now, right?? killing stuff is a child-mind thing...you need to prove yourself.  but when a person matures, they are supposed to develope a spirit inside to be more in harmony with the universe. to see the bigger picture and not be so selfish that you need to destroy life to get enjoyment.


    dead spirit...no spirit...numb spirit...thats what cause people to seek out and plan killing other lifes. when you plan such killing, and pay money and make such arrangements...its murder, not hunting.

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  16. To celebrate murder, death, destruction, and take proud photos with your murdered victims pretending it was prey, is a disease. For the God who created all things can these people be any different then a guy running a human death camp? It's ungodly.

  17. i once bought a large record collection becasue the deal was so good. never did listen to even half the records, and always felt guilty for not listening to them. i realized later i only did it for the deal. and in the end it was a bad deal. sometimes tyhe collector bug bites me. i try to swat that bug away when ever it buzzes around now. now i try to throw darts and not use a blunberbuss!! LOL one at a time works good for me.




    Want to feel 18 again? Give up breads grains!


    Any good alternatives you can suggest?


    I grew up on white bread and in recent years my wife has been packing my lunches with different types of 'whole grain' breads in an attempt to be more health conscious but from some of the things I've read here and there I don't know what's good and what's not. I'm still very uninformed on this but that needs to change.



    its very simple. shop only in the fresh food section and load the cart with vegetables and fruits. then go to meat section and get lean beef and chicken. make 90% of your meals just vegetables and fruit as it occurs. don't make recipes out of them, just eat them as found or heat them until soft (green beans, and such). eat no more than 3 or 4 ounces of the meat each day - no deep frying. no skin on chicken. add a few nuts here and there--not too many. add a few eggs per week. no more packaged foods, no bread, no pasta, no cereals, no grains. no prepared foods. no resterants, no fast food. . in 2 weeks you will feel like $1 million dollars. lesson? people make food too complicated for the purpose of having fun with it. the body hates that.


    Sorry.....I was asking about alternatives to 'bread'. I'm crystal clear on everything else.


    my fault. 

    I guess there is no alternative to bread. LOL

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