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Sid K

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Posts posted by Sid K

  1. HI Everyone. 

    In my left khorn every once in a while I can here a crackling noise.

    It's not noticeable when the volume is turned up. 

    It's not very loud and doesn't increase when the volume is turned up.

    When I unplug the speaker cable from the amp it stops.

    Any idea what could be causing this?

  2. HI Everyone. 

    In my left khorn every once in a while I can here a crackling noise.

    It's not noticeable when the volume is turned up. 

    It's not very loud and doesn't increase when the volume is turned up.

    When I unplug the speaker cable from the amp it stops.

    Any idea what could be causing this?

  3. On 1/24/2017 at 5:57 AM, wdecho said:

    Loud is subjective so no clear answer should be expected using only 2 watts. It also depends on the amplifier circuit and components used. I have a number of 2 watt or less SET's and most are plenty loud for my setup. Most visitors who hear my setup using a 2 watt SET tell me to turn it down some. The quality of output transformers used is the limiting factor for some of the cheaper 2 watt SET's and this is in the bass slam and dynamics. A good 2 watt SET will satisfy most using our speakers. The last few days I have been listening with my 2 watt 45 tube amp which at the top of my list of the 20 or more amps I own. The clearest cleanest vocals and sound I have ever heard. Fantastic tube. 

    I have been told this from a SET amp builder as well

    Very interesting.

  4. Just wondering if anyone has or had a unit like this hooked up to your Klipsch speakers?

    I have had one for several years.

    It restores the bass lost in the recording process for cd's for example.

    I wouldn't know what to do without it.

    I thought it may be a good topic for anyone depressed about not getting enough bass from their speakers without using a subwoofer.


  5. On 1/9/2017 at 10:36 AM, dkalsi said:

    Just reading through this thread now. It's amazing how much of my experience has matched Dean's comments above. 


    I upgraded my stock Klipschorn with Volti 2" Horn, plus BMS drivers and ALK ES Crossovers. 


    Don't get me wrong - there was definitely an improvement in sound, but its was mostly experienced at high volumes. 

    I can't remember the cost now but I think the Volti Horns were $600+/-, plus $1,300-$1,400 for BMS Drivers, plus $1,500 for ALK ES Crossover. I mean, you are talking about nearly $3,500 in upgrades. 


    If I had a gathering at my place and we were listening to the system at loud volume, everyone enjoyed the effortless sound. At low to moderate levels (i.e., my normal listening level), I'm not sure if the improvement was easily observed. I mean you had to be listening to the music with a very critical ear to be able to detect improvement. You almost have to be looking for the improvement - which can take the whole joy out of the main objective: enjoying the MUSIC. 


    I eventually ended up selling all my upgrades and appreciated having the dollars in my hand than to have all that money tied up in a system where I rarely got a chance to enjoy my investment. 


    If you want to go the 2" route, and have the money, and enjoy tinkering around with your system - then it can be a fun journey. My comments are not meant to discourage anyone. I'm merely just sharing my experience - any by sharing my experience, I'm hoping it may help others set their expectations. 


    My last comment is that if I had to do my system all over again, I would expend my energy on learning about room acoustics and use my money there. Going back to my system above, I'm sure that I would have achieved a greater improvement in sound if I had invested the aforementioned $3,500 in learning/implementing room treatment than upgrading various speaker components. Again, that comment is based on my experience, with my system, in my room. 











    Very much appreciated.

    Straight to the point with a very detailed but common/simple explanation.

    I think the key to this whole thread is the volume a person listens to the music they are listening to.

    Thank you very much.

    This was very helpful and this will save me bunch of money and disappointment in the end.

  6. 4 hours ago, Deang said:

    Jupiter films in my AAs - using stock attenuation level (-3dB).  


    When I said "not a game changer", I was thinking more about the 2" driver, and less about the horn. To be honest though, I sometimes think I prefer the K-400 at the volumes I listen at. It's complicated. 

    Complicated...yes...thats what I have found out since I have started this journey.

    I like the word that you used earlier "simplistic"

    That makes it much easier for a guy like me that doesn't know the DEEP language used a lot of the time on these sites.

    From all of the input I have read and absorbed so far, I will be going with a different mid horn for sure, Fastrac Lascala more so, because of the ease of replacement.

    I will keep the K55 drivers.

    Just to recap; I have a small listening area and don't listen to loud ear bleeding levels.

    My next big decision will be:


    I currently have the Universal.

    There was a good point made earlier about me having a low watt tube amp.

    Currently I have 10 watts ( not the best amp available) and I cant turn it past 9 oclock, frankly its to dam loud.

    It sounds good though.  Some might say "why change the amp then".

    I think a much better quality, less complicated, better built amp will improve the sound that much more.

    I have been hearing the term "stereo imaging a lot"...from what I understand...simply speaking means the music is seperated better to allow each instrument etc. to be heard more accurately and precise/disticnt...Is that correct?

    So...from what I understand the extreme slope crossover does this very well. The ES400/ ES5800 or AP15-6000 /AP12-350 and in particular.

    But how will it perform with a 3.5 watt amp?  

    Is it even necessary to change the Universal at all?

    These are some of the reasons why I have been asking so many questions??

    I will keep my posts strictly to this topic page from now on.


    Thanks for the very valuable input.




  7. 23 minutes ago, Deang said:

    Lol. You're mean. :-) 


    Sid, it's nice to have you here, but you already have a couple of threads on the same general topic. 


    Btw, you would be using the Fastrac-K, not the LaScala Fastrac. 

    Oh...I'm sorry...I'm new to this...

    I thought I had to start a new topic...anyway...

    I thought possibly someone had the same set up.


    I was told a Fastrac Lascala (is a drop in replacement) that could be used instead of a Fastrac K (which requires mods to the grill or a new grill)???


  8. 4 hours ago, Deang said:

    I use Fastrac LaScalas in my LaScalas. I wanted improvement while retaining the stock look. To be honest, I'm perfectly okay with the stock horn, which sounds nice until you get carried away with the volume - the narrow throat overloads. 


    I still use the K-77, which I think blends well with the midrange. I know it's not the best performer - but I like Klipsch vintage sound. It's like trying to mod a set of Advents or Dahlquist DQ-10s - if you're not careful, you lose the sound you love. 


    I get mixed opinions on the Elliptrac 400. People share things with me privately that they won't share on the forum. I know several who have sold them and gone back to the rectangular mouth of the Fastrac. Volti is popular here, but the horn build is not nearly as stout as Dave's - stick with Fastlane Audio. 


    I'm not the biggest fan of the Universal, especially the current iteration.  Also, several here did analysis on networks that use the swamping resistor, and revealed that quite a bit of power is wasted to create the "constant impedance" - which isn't the end of the world if you have plenty of power - which you don't. With SET, you have to choose between non-flat response (the frequency response of the amplifier tracks the impedance curve), or giving up a significant portion of your amplifier's power to get flat response (tube amplifiers with feedback don't suffer from this dilemma).


    If your Klipschorns are currently using the K-55 with the spring loaded terminals, then you can also get enhanced performance by moving to a K-55 with the two port phase plug, or the John Allen A-55-G. 

    Thanks for the info.

    So I'm confused, are you using the stock horn now or the Fastrac Lascala?

    Is there a noticeable difference between the two?

    What is your opinion on which type of crossover I should be using for liitle wattage amps? Extreme slope maybe? I dont really know to be honest with you.

  9. 1 minute ago, Marvel said:

    I've only had the k55 attached to the k400 horn, using 2A3 amps. These were in a pair of '89 LaScalas. The mids were pulled down a little, for what seemed to me a better tonal balance. I don't listen very loud, 90db is getting up there. It was a magical combination. I never took measurements, but my ears were quite satisfied with the sound.


    btw, welcome to the forums.



    I don't listen to high levels either, if I do its not for very long, 10-15min max.

    I currently have a 10 watt tube amp possibly changing to a 3.5 watt Triode Lab amp specifically for horn loaded speakers.

    When I got my first tube amp /preamp I almost fell over the sound was incredibly better.

    I have Khorns 1978.

    I'm just a simple guy who likes to listen to my music.

    I don't do tests.  

    If my ears like it it must be good, right.

    But I never did like the harsh original sound from the Khorns so I have decided to try and improve it.

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