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Posts posted by Robertd

  1. Thanks for the feedback guys. Thats 2 more votes for the used KSF. Let me throw in another issue, the wife factor. The SS-1 is a good bit smaller than the older KSF and would help to appease her as far as where I want to mount them. Since we are talking about surrounds, would I actually hear that much of a difference?

  2. I'm about to buy surrounds to match my KSF 10.5's as mains. I found (used) some of the Klipsch suggested surrounds (KSF-S5's) but before I buy them I have a question. I know that it's best to match speakers with the surrounds that a company intended them to be used with but what about the SS-1's?

    I can get the SS-1's new for the same price as the used KSF-S5's plus they have Wide Dispersion Surround Technology. Is WDST all it's cracked up to be or should I forget about it and go with the used KSF's that were intended to match my mains? Thanks!

  3. I just posted a question about surrounds but this is a different question so I figure it needed a different post. I am currently trying out a used Lexicon MC-1 from a friend that I might buy from him. I am also on the list for an Outlaw 950 but that will be another month or so. Anyway I'll keep whichever I like best. In talking to many people I am getting conflicting opinions about my current speakers. Here's my current setup;

    Center: Klipsch KSP C-6

    Mains: Klipsch KSF 10.5

    Sub: Klipsch KSW-150

    Amp: Rotel RB985MK2

    Pre: Lexicon MC1

    Display: Toshiba 65HX81

    A few people have told me that I am cheating my MC-1 with Klipsch Synergy speakers, that they are ok but I could do alot better for about a $1800-2300 expense for center, mains and surrounds with other brands (Diva Swans, Paradigm Reference 40's, etc). Some say the older Synergy series I have are perfectly fine, just get matching surrounds. What do you guys think? I would much prefer spending a few hundred on surrounds vs. all new speakers but I want to get the best sound I can afford from my MC-1. I don't want to waste money on the surround if I'll just be upgrading later. Decisions, decisions, help!


  4. From what I've read, bipole surrounds are best if placed about level with your listening positioning, some say a little behind and above, etc. The only place I can put surrounds are about 7'high on top of door frames. Havent measured but to get a sense just look at the nearest door in your house and picture a surround mounted right above the molding.

    The problem is that I'm trying to best match the surrounds to this setup;

    Center: Klipsch KSP C-6

    Mains: Klipsch KSF 10.5

    Sub: Klipsch KSW-150

    From a post I did awhile back, I determined that the KSF-S5's were my best pick. They are hard to find nowadays and I prefer to buy new so I decided on trying the SS-1's. Would I be better trying monopoles on a bracket firing slightly downward towards my sweet spot or would the SS-1's do ok that high up?


    This message has been edited by Robertd on 05-19-2002 at 08:37 PM

  5. Wow kmijeski, I'm surprised to see someone else from Johnson City since this is relatively small town! Hey what are you using as a receiver or pre/pro out of curiousity?

    I've been using a Sony STR-DE915 forever and when I finally had saved up enough and ordered a Toshiba widescreen, the Sony receiver crapped out the next day. I was donated an almost new Rotel amp so now I'm waiting for the Outlaw 950 (which is looking like it might be several months before I get one).

    Suffice it to say, I have plenty of time to get the surrounds so I might use that time to take everyone's advice here and look for a used pair of KSF-S5's. My only problem with that option is that even used, I'm sure someone would want around $200 for them. Thats makes it hard because I've seen brand new SS-1's for sale online for under $270, plus they are smaller which would help with the wife factor.

    Thanks to all of you for your help on this subject! any new suggestions are certainly welcome and appreciated.

    kmijeski, when I get everything together you are invited to drop by and have a listen since you live in town! My email is robertd@xtn.net

  6. I'm new on this forum and here is my situation. I am trying to round out my HT system and select the best Klispch surrounds for my current Klipsch center and mains. Here is what I have so far;

    Center: Klipsch KSP C-6 (8 Ohm, 150 watt max, 600peak)

    Mains: Klipsch KSF 10.5 (8 Ohm, 100 watt max, 400peak)

    Sub: Klipsch KSW-150 (15" driver with 150 watt amp)

    Pre-amp: Outlaw 950 (soon to get)

    Amp: Rotel RB985MK2 (100watt 5 channel)

    Since my mains and amp are 100 watt, I assume that the surrounds only need to be 100 watts so I'm ruling out the suggested surrounds for the KSP C-6 center (please tell me if I'm wrong on this). The suggested surrounds for my mains are the KSF-S5's which are discontinued. That leaves me with Klipsch's current selection of 100 watt surrounds unless I can find someone selling an older pair.

    From the current Klipsch surround selection I was leaning towards SS-1's which seem to fit the wattage and are smaller.

    Guys, I am open to suggestions here. What would be the most economical match for my current speakers without sacrificing quality. I am open to buying used models, I just need to know the model numbers to search for. Thanks!

    Robert Derouen

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