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Posts posted by Martino

  1. What is tradition? well i for one see it as a action of the past ment for the future generations to withhold and continue commencing the action. "In god we trust" is on all of US currency. "Under god" is in all pledges throughout the United states, whether it be in the school pledge or the pledge for the marines or any other US office. Just because someone says "hey i dont believe in god" doesnt mean that we should remove the word from our vocab. that is against our freedom of speech. Does this also mean that all of the US currency must be removed for having the word "god" printed on it? It is pointless to remove it from the schools pledge and to have it everywhere else. The fact that it isnt there isnt gonig to change the fact that is was there since the original people of this country created it. Point being, no matter what someone trys to do, there will always be a "god". the pledge doesnt speficy which god so what is the complaint? the god in the pledge could be alla for all we know, well it could be our local mailmail for all we know. there is no description of the "god". the line is "Under god" it was ment this way so people wont take offense to it. But now an age long traidition dating back since i can remember is gonig to be removed because someone is offened by the word "God." Excuse me for saying this but thats bullshit. If the people before us felt it was important enough to include the word "god" in the pledge, than who the hell are we to say otherwise? we wouldnt be here had it not been for them. And now when our generation comes around some ******* comes out and says "hey, lets go against everything the protectors and founders of this country fought for. lets remove god and freedom of speech from our vocab." I for oen am sickened by the fact this had to even go to court... if your offended by it dont listen... its life, **** happens and if people get offened by a smiple word such as "god"... well than have a good life cause your not gonig to mount to anything if you cant take a word... lives ****ed up... deal with it... dont try to change words... try to change the fact that people are dieing around the world for many causes... change the fact that people are dieing for "god".

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