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Posts posted by Kopek

  1. I use the First Watt F4's to power the 88dB Infinity speakers, quite low on power at around 20w - voltage gain into them is from 6SL7's. I've run them parallel for close to 50w, but even with a significantly overbuilt power supply, it's just not enough to really drive them - I could bridge them for more, but the power supplies don't have what it takes. Can keep on cranking up the power, but at some point it's just stupid. 

    I've also used an Adcom GFA-5300 that has some punch, occasionally fun to listen to. The 35w push pull EL34 from the Fisher isn't bad, and after an upgrade of speakers it will be more than enough.

    A 2A3 SET by itself or buffered by the F4's for more current is what I'm looking to try next. Maybe it will be in the form of an Elekit TU-8900 with transformer upgrade so I can try 300B's at some point.

    The room is indeed that deep, but lopsided. Half of the room ends 6' behind the listening position where a dining area goes back for the other half of the room. Half of the room is open on the side, and indeed a lot of space to fill. 

    I'm in South Austin, nothing currently available locally so a road trip is likely to be in my future. I'll audition some at the local retailer, check to see if the used gear place survived the pandemic.

    My wife is indeed informed about WAF and doesn't show agitation because the sound is great. The decision to get rid of them for something that fits close to the wall made her happy. The La Scala's were frowned upon, the Cornwall still got a raised eyebrow, the Forte were smiled upon, even more than Heresy with a big sub in the corner. Can I really get away with 6" from the wall with them? I said "close to the wall", she heard "against the wall" in reference to placement. Currently the fronts of the baffles are 42" from the front wall so anything is an improvement. Forte yes, Cornwall maybe.

    First thing is indeed to sell the other speakers!

  2. Hello, this is my first post here and I appreciate any constructive feedback.

    I have the WAF pretty much covered because I promised to sell my early 1984~ish 48" tall x 18" wide Infinity RSIII-B's as well as a PAP 15" Trio OB DIY project - and a few other mid 1980's reasonably sized speakers. Promise is to have speakers which can be closer to the wall, rather than the 3' out from the front wall.

    I went over sizes and find the Cornwall just a little too wide and they are probably too much for room size.

    Almost everything in my system is DIY, the exception being a Fisher SA-300 EL-34 from the year 1960 which is currently having parts ordered for a rebuild. At 35w it's nearly double in power from anything else I have.

    I would like to try an American made Heritage series speaker and can be talked out of it.

    Amps will continue to evolve, but have the option to buffer low power SET tube amps with DIY Pass F4 monoblocks. 

    Listening area has an 8' ceiling, no room treatments other than a plethora of large dog beds and couches, floor is wood on concrete slab with 50% coverage area rug between speakers which will be on the wood floor. It's the living room of a 1450 square foot house. Listening position will be 15' from the front wall. Back wall is 25' behind the listening position, have high back chairs going over ear height. Speakers probably placed 9' apart on center and not have ideal placement, there is just no way to do it with the shape - and therefore horns come to mind.

    Shying away from the Heresy because I would need to build a really good sub, which would be quite expensive. Easily $1200 DIY for a 12" sub and amp. 

    I'm not committed to new from factory, and probably can't afford it unless it is Heresy. What to look for in used, do we assume they have all been modded?

    I'm not sure of the story behind Chorus, but see some big fans here.

    Listening tastes vary, but there will always every now and then ya gotta get the Led out and let Hendrix do his thing. Joni and Ella need to sing. Those recordings that Miles did in a hurry to get out of his contract, they are the up there at the utmost of importance. Coltrane. Rush. Bartok. The Blues, including some that are only in mono.

    Thanks, and hope I didn't go too long. Did it because some people frequently say "need to know more".

    • Thanks 1
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