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  1. Thanks to all for the welcome and happy new year my question was whether someone had the same cornwall, I've never seen more of the same, plus they have all the basic and my no Otherwise I am fine, before I had the heresy and I was tempted to take the La Scala but I do not have the necessary space
  2. That's right, but I've never seen a pair equal
  3. Are these http://www.audiocostruzioni.com/r_s/diffusori/diffusori-3/klipsch-cornwall-II/cornwall-II.htm
  4. I can not upload the photos, How can I do?
  5. Ciao, mi presento, io sono nuovo del forum e mi chiamo Filippo Vi chiedo la mia domanda, ho preso un paio di mesi di Klipsch Cornovaglia, ma per la quale non riesco a capire la serie, mi puoi aiutare? Ci dispiace per il mio cattivo inglese, ma sto usando google tradotto
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