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Posts posted by texas42

  1. I was going through several old boxes of audio mags, brochures, etc and got things somewhat organized. I found that I a lot of old brochures, catologs, etc covering the Heritage Series, Legend series, synergy, etc....The Heritage catalogs appear to be from the 70s and 80s. What is a fair price to list these for on ebay? I don't want to rip anyone but don't want to get ripped either. I notice vendor 'brochure world' on ebay selling some newer 1-page brochures for $20 which I think is way too high. Anyone have any experience in this area? I also have a lot of old Carver 'White Papers" and tons of other brands I intend to eventually list as well. Any ideas appreciated.



  2. I had a great time and it was good to put faces with screen names. Travis, many thanks to you for hosting it and providing a great Texas BBQ spread with ice cold beer on a hot Texas day. Add in great equipment, music, and friends to share with and it just doesn't get any better. And thanks again to Amy for providing some nice 'klipsch gifts'. My only regret is I couldn't stay a few more hours. Would have loved to have tried Dean's crossovers with Travis' Khorns plus auditioned some of the other equipment. Again, thanks to all who had a part as it was a really nice day.



  3. Craig,

    First off, best of wishes to you and yours...

    As I already have a 299B with you to bring back to its glory would it be safe to assume the Fisher would probably not stack up to well against it? I know the X-202-C doesn't have a center channel output (which I like using with my powered sub) and I understand an amp with tube rectification can sound a bit smoother. It was just close by and the cost looked right (it's been completely gone over, allegedly). I've heard this was a rare unit but that doesn't mean much if it doesn't have the sonics to go with it...



  4. Looking at a possible purchase of this amp but I don't know a lot about it other than it is in the same vintage as my Scott 299B. I know it uses 7199 output tubes, which might be hard to come by. I'm assuming this is tube rectified but I am only guessing. Anyone ever have one or listen to one? Would be using with LaScalas. Any additional info would be appreciated.

  5. Hmm...this is indeed an interesting question as I've been from Klipsch to other brands more than a few times the past 10 years. Owning Klipsch LaScalas, Cornwalls (twice), KLF-20s, Chorus (twice), Epic CF-4s, RF-7s, Quartets, and Heresies and now back, again (finally I hope) to LaScalas. In between I've owned KEF Reference 3s (a very balanced speaker but never made me feel enthused about my music), NHT 2.9s (great in a very narrow sweet spot but that's it.), Carver Amazing Platinums, Silvers and AL-IIIs (which I still own but selling since I decided to stay with my LaScalas). The Carvers do a lot of things very well. Many things far better than the Klipsch to include deeper, more realistic bass, and very wide and deep airy soundstage. Probably more accurate too. BUT, nothing has the 'presence' of a good horn speaker or sounds more 'live'. Plus I really don't have the right room for the Carvers or the space they need. The also require a very strong amp. Other speakers I've owned during this period include the Magnepan MMGs and 1.6s and the Eminent Technology LFT-VIIIs, both planar speakers. Overall I preferred the ETs and Carvers over the maggies. The ETs are really an incredible speaker for $1500 and, in reflection, the only speaker I'd go back to (in my current listening room) if I stray from Klipsch again. The last speakers I can think of that I really enjoyed and owned the past few years were the Ohm Walsh 2s and 4s. HUGE soundstage. In the end, like a stray dog, you always want to come home and enjoy that which brings you the most pleasure and emotion. And that always seems to be the Klipsch. While it's fun to try different designs and be able to enjoy the different qualities/strengths of them; you eventually realize it's always a matter of trade offs. There is no perfect speaker. You just have to find the one that you find most 'listenable' over the long haul. With the type of music you listen to. My LaScalas certainly aren't the most aesthetic speakers I've owned, but somehow they are the most 'comfortable'. It's nice to be home...

  6. Ah, Darn....

    And to think, I just bought a pair of LaScalas last week. I should have read this thread first before purchasing them. But then again, I DID happen to listen to them before I bought them so think I'll trust my ears instead <evil grin>. Actually, I respect both sides of any argument but am wise enough to know that: A. There is no perfect speaker B. Everyone hears things differently and prioritizes different speaker characteristics and.. C. As long as you are happy with your purchase it doesn't matter what others care to think. Have I had other speakers with lower, tighter bass? You betcha, the Legacy Focus (flat down to 16Hz with 2 12"s per side; The Carver Amazing Platinum Mark IVs (4 12" per side, etc etc...However, the LaScalas have their own set of virtues to include an incredible lifelike midrange which contains the majority of music anyway. So, whatever your flavor, grab a beer (or glass of wine, bourbon, perrier, whatever your taste) and just forget about the equipment a bit and enjoy the music. Isn't THAT what it is really supposed to be about??

    Regards (with a cold Dos Equis with lime today),


  7. Dire Straights- Brothers in Arms (great disc for soundstage)

    Enya- Watermark (specifically track 10, the Long Ships, for deep bass)

    Alan Parson Project- Try Anything Once (Sony Gold SBM disc) Clarity is Incredible

    Steely Dan- Aja (MFSL Gold Disc)

    Round-Up- Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra (Telarc CD-80141) Put this one in and crank it up a bit. On high efficiency speakers, the dynamics have to be experienced. Especially on the opening track, 'Sounds of the West'.

    I know there's a bunch I can't think of, but since our limit was 5....

    Happy Listening,


  8. Well, I tried, unsuccessfully, to stay out of the audio madness for a while. Then, slowly being pulled back in by some other speaker brands and electronics. But I guess everything goes full circle eventually. Such as it was when I happened to be browsing on ebay last week. First, I thought, I'll just glance and see what type of Klipsch speakers were out there for sale. Just looking, I kept telling myself. No harm in that, right?

    Hmm, what do we have here? A nice pair of LaScalas. Uh oh, they are also in San Antonio! Oh, no worries, most used LaScalas I've seen are banged up and have had a rough life. Plus, the sellers starting price was $1100 with a BIN of $1500. More than I would want to spend even if I were in the market for an 'average' set of LaScalas. Just the same, let's put that into the 'watch list' and see what they go for.

    Well, the auction ended, with no bids. As I suspected as the starting price I thought was a bit too high to begin with. A pawn shop was selling these so I know they've probably been ragged out anyway. A day or so passes by as I wait to see if the seller relists. After not seeing anything, I thought I'd call the seller just to 'shoot the bull' and ask a few harmless questions.

    Very harmless...I say, I notice from the serial number these are from 1981. Must be in pretty rough shape, huh? He tells me, "No, actually, there are a one owner speaker, I'm selling them on consignment for a friend. They are actually in very nice shape." I tell him, well, what about the cabinet, drivers, etc? Any dings, dents, cracks, problems with the cabinets? "No, he took good care of them, only listened to them on Sundays" (ok I admit, I put that last part in). Hmm, now I'm getting curious and you know what can happpen... So, what type of finish? "Raw birch, but he had them stained". I glance again at the pics listed in the ad and it looks like it was slapped on with a broom. Hmm, well, if I got them, I'd have to have them refinished. Probably black, to match my TV. Then, I'd have to get a new black grill to replace the cane one. Wait a sec, I'm already thinking of spending money on a speaker I haven't bought yet? This is indeed a sickness.

    Just one look I tell myself (and my wife who has learned to just humor me all these years). "No problem", he tells me but lets me know he can't let them go for less than $1000 even. Hmm, I think, that's pretty steep and I'm sure they aren't worth it, especially with the added costs of refinishing, etc. But as they are just about 10 miles away and it's a slow Saturday, let's go take a look.

    I'm invited in and they are in a back room, not hooked up to anything. I take a look at them (casually, of course as to not display my increasing interest). Wow, they are in GREAT shape! Nary a scratch, dent, chip, etc...And the finish, although not beautifully lacquered, does look very presentable. Hmm...$1000...(I just 'happended' to bring enough...."just in case"). But there is no way these would fit in my car and I don't really want to go through the hassle of renting a truck or van. Ah...there's my out! But wait, he tells me. "I have a van in the back. If you want them. We can load them up and take them to your place." Ouch, what a conundrum I've placed myself in. I tell myself, sure they sound great (from owning a pair before years ago) but they are so big and boxy. They don't match my TV. My mind starts to blur as both sides of the arguement start competing. But a faint whisper starts to gain momentum now...'you know you want them...you have that Scott 299B just sitting there, not being used. They're a natural combo.'

    It's been fate up to this point, I have to admit. So, with the swiftness of a professional pickpocket, the money is out and in his hand before I even realize they're now mine! We get them back and set up and they sing like a dream. So, just a warning to any other 'audioholics' out there. Never tempt yourself beyond your limits. Hmm...now I need to focus on crossover upgrades, having Craig look at my Scott amp and bring it up to spec; what's that about rope caulk? Sigh, does it ever end....???

    Happy listening to all (got to get back to my CD collection)


    P.S. Pics attached of my new 'babies' Thanks for letting me rant. Had to get it out of my system...


  9. As per established protocol, will post these here first before elsewhere. I need to 'thin the herd' a bit again. So I have the following available. I have many references and perfect ebay feedback as well. All items in San Antonio. Prefer pickup on the Klipsch Chorus.

    Klipsch Chours 1- Walnut finish. I would rate these 7/10 as they have a couple of small chips, light scratches. All drivers in excellent condition. With risers and custom glass tops. $665.00

    Scott 299B- With golden oak custom cover. Amp looks and works great. Perfect match for Klipsch speakers. $450.00 plus shipping.

    Jolida JD-100 Tube Reference CD Player. I purchased this new in June 2005. Unit is near mint with original box, manual, remote. New cost is $900.00. Sell for $650.00

    Acurus L10 Line Preamplifier- This unit has been upgraded/modified by Chris Johnson of Parts Connexion with AuriCap coupling caps and Audionote Tantalum signal path resistors (this was a $350.00 mod). The result- the quietest, purest preamp I've ever heard. $400.00 shipped.

    Can send pics/more info to those interested. Will check PM's periodically but check email several times a day so quicker by that option.

    Hope everyone is having a great holiday season.



  10. Brian,

    I would not put them too close to the corners as that might exaggerate the bass and make it sound a bit 'bloated'. Personally, if I had a flat wall behind the speakers (I don't, I have a recessed cavity with a large screen TV and my speakers partially in it) I'd put them about 18" out minimum and angled slightly towards the listening position, at least 8 feet apart (more, if possible). Of course, every room is acoustically different and your mileage may vary. Just my two cents...



  11. I went the opposite direction; had a pair of II's, sold them, and now own a pair of I's. The I's sound more like a pair of Cornwalls I once had, which is to say a bit more forgiving that the II's. A concern with the II's is the setup with the rear passive radiator. If you have the right room and set up, they sound great with deep bass. The I's tend to work better in my room however due to the position relative to the rear wall. Both are excellent speakers, however and you can't go wrong with either.

    Happy Listening,


  12. I had the JD-1501A, which is the same amps sans the remote. It was competent enough and very well built. It sounded pretty good and was reliable. I can't say I was overly excited about it though but you might enjoy it. I'd see if I could audition with your speakers before buying. Personally, I lean more towards the warmer sound of a classic tube integrated like the Scott 299 series. Best of luck...

  13. They are in Walnut and I'd rate them 7/10 with minor light scratches. Very presentable. Looking for $700.00 or trade towards Cornwalls or LaScalas. Due to the size of these speakers, prefer not to ship. I'll also throw in matching glass tops. Speakers are available in San Antonio. PM or email for more info, pics, etc, if interested....



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