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Posts posted by Darren

  1. From what I've seen, many of the SACD's on the market are ONLY 2 channel. I have a couple of those, a couple multi channel, and couple more "hybrid" (play on a SACD player and also on a CD player). I think 2 channel SACD and DVD-A sound better than CD's - in every case I've compared anyway.

    Agree with many comments above - get a univeral player. DVD-A sounds (in my opinion) equal to SACD. Neither has great selection yet, so having a player that covers both formats gives you a lot more options (and in the end, only 1 may end up dominating - like VHS over Beta). I have the Denon 2900 and I've been extremely happy with that. Obviously, there are a lot of options with a wide price range.

  2. Yes - that's why I was asking. I have a sub and the cross over set at 80hz (on the processor - not on the sub). My concern was that if the low frequency "input" on the 7's was really low - like 200hz, then there's little reason to bi-wire as most of that signal would not be fed to that speaker anyway. From your reference, it looks like the cross-over on the 7's is 2200 hz, so still plenty of lows would be sent to the 7's even with a sub in place.


  3. With two sets of speaker cable connectors on these speakers - one for highs and one for lows, does anyone know what the "cut-off" for the low and high inputs are? For example, everything under 500hz goes low and everything above goes high?


  4. I had always used Optical, and just bought a Coaxel to test the difference myself. This comparison may not be fair - it was an average monster cable optical and I went to a $130 silver coaxel.

    Anyway, I definitely noticed a difference - more lows with a fuller sound with the coaxel. When I went back to the optical, it sounded a little more "thin" if that makes any sense. Again, probably comparing a $35 cable with a $130 cable - may have nothing to do with the Optical / Coaxel argument.

  5. That's right - if you're not planning to upgrade the TV anytime soon, no benefit to the progressive scan on the DVD player. Even if your TV has component inputs, it may not accept the progressive scan signal (my TV has component inputs - and I use them - but it doesn't take the progressive signal).

  6. A few quick checks:

    First thing I'd do is check the wiring from the amp: red to red and black to black. You could be out of phase. If not, I'd then switch the speaker cables (disconnect the cable from the left speaker and hook it to the right, and move the cable from the right speaker it to the left). If the other speakers sounds bad, then it could be your amp rather than the speaker. If the same speaker is still bad, then one more check. Play a CD and make sure your receiver's sound processors are off - just run straight 2 channel. I once was playing a 5 channel processor signal and only had 2 speakers hooked up. Needless to say, they sounded pretty poor.

    If after all this the same speaker still sound's bad, you may have gotten a defect. Let us know what you find out.

  7. mOOn sounds like this one is set up for you!

    I use the dipoles for surrounds, but only have a 5.1 set up and like the wider coverage. Not sure in a 7.1 setup.

    A few months ago, mOOn was playing around with these options, but I was out of touch for over a month and don't know where he ended up.

  8. Hard to beat cold beer, but how about a greek dish - Burn't butter Spaghetti. Make the spaghetti noddles as you normally would. In a cast iron frying pan, melt - then burn the crap out of - butter. I mean burn it - you'll get black gritty stuff in it. Poor over the spaghetti, mix with Parmesan cheese and you're set. Perfect match with lamb, but I'll take it with a nice ribeye anytime 16.gif

    Oh yeah - if you try this, open the windows and be prepared for the fire alarms to go off!

  9. I agree with Bill - go above if you can, but definitely angle it up if you can't. Can you build a shelf above the tv? Even if it's a little back from the TV screen, you can play with your delay settings to compensate.

  10. Not sure about the price you're looking at - you may not do the 7's justice in that range. People here seem to favor B&K, Denon and Pioneer Elite - but I'm not sure the price on any of those.

    If you haven't already, you may want to do a search on this forum - you'll probably find 20 threads on this question over the last 3 months. You don't want to short yourself on the amp with the 7's. They are revealing speakers and you'll know if you're feeding them poor power. Good luck!

  11. I had a Bose HT in s previous life (701's for mains, 201's surround and their only center speaker). Yes, Bose sucks. In particular, that center channel was terrible and had to be cranked way up (like +7) to hear anyone talk during movies. You won't have that problem with the RC / RF 7 combo, but you would benefit from using the SPL meter.

    I use banana clips for convenience (never heard any impact on the sound - positive or negative).

    Regarding speaker set up, that's widely debated. Even with the RF-7's, I have them set to "small" (all speakers to small), and the cross-over set to 80. I don't know if there's a "right" answer for that one - just play around with it and see what you like.

  12. Yeah - I've been disappointed with the selection as well. All that wire behind my rack and so little use! I do enjoy Tubular Bells and Elton John - Yellow Brick Road. The sound is impressive, but they've got to get some more selection before most people will be willing to screw with all the extra cabling required (not to mention the costs of all that cable).

    Not much new music (actually recorded in multichannel) has been that interesting to me. I must be getting old.

  13. Wow - did this past month pass quickly or what? I guess vacations do that don't they?

    I had a really nice vacation. Moscow and St. Petersburg were great, but really the best part was 5 days in a houseboat on the Colorado river with my family. Man, what a nice break from "city life".

    I'll glad to be back and look forward to catching back up with the forum happenings. Hope you are all doing well,


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