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Posts posted by cmdridq

  1. It sounds pretty fishy. I'd say there is a small chance it's not a scam, maybe 10-20%. But whatever you decide to do, I sure would NOT send him a money order. He can cash it and you will be holding the bag if he decides to blow you off. Do you have a real address or phone number on this seller? If so, check him out. If not, take a pass.It might be prudent to cancel that credit card number also.

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  2. Yeah, I think Plaxico's sentence was overkill so the politician's could thump their chests about being tough on crime. A large fine and a month or two in jail would've made a big impression on him to the point that he wouldn't do anything that stupid again. Hell, if he was worried about security he could've hired a bodyguard for less than this is costing him.

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  3. I've been watching it, and thought the first couple of seasons were pretty good. But then they started introducing so many implausible ideas I figured it would end up getting totally goofy, and that's what has happened now. One of my pet peeves about Star Trek was when they wanted to to pull off something totally impossible, they always played the time travel card. It's a cheap and easy way of explaining anything that doesn't make any sense or is beyond belief. Whenever I see John Locke now, I start wondering whether he's the real McCoy or some clone from another time. Alias was good for a few seasons, then they played the Rambaldi Device card and it got ridiculous. 24 and Regenesis are about the only shows I follow now. They stretch reality, but not like Lost.

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  4. When somebody has been around as long and has as many friends as Fritz, why can't they just tell someone what is up instead of this CIA stuff. Everyone has a right to their own privacy but that doesn't mean common courtesy and consideration have to go out the window.

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  5. Nothing says bachelor like a traffic light in the room.

    How about a wooden phone booth from the '30's? I had one of those in my living room for awhile. I even had it hooked up to the phone system. It was next to the stuffed owl. Thankfully, I saw the error(s) of my ways.

  6. I recently ran across this law that was passed in Cook County two years. I am a cat person, but for the life of me I can't see how this is a good idea. Basically, people can have feral cat colonies at their homes by following a few guidelines. They are supposed to neuter, clip the ears for identification purposes, give rabies inoculations, feed, and provide shelter for any number of "wild" cats that may happen to show up for a free meal. There is no limit on the number of cats, nor any provision for being responsible for any property damage, or injuries inflicted on other pets or people by these cats.

    I find it hard to believe that people are going to do much more than feed and provide shelter to these animals. Feral cats are dangerous, the average person would have their hands full trying to catch, treat, and release these animals. Also, how would you like two dozen wild cats living in your neighbor's garage and using your backyard as their bathroom and hunting preserve? I think the politicians have screwed up again.

    Explanation of program:


  7. I don't lay any value judgements on those who take the suicide option. It may or may not be "selfish" depending on the circumstances. Nobody knows what anyone else feels and nobody can walk a mile in your shoes, as they say. I had an uncle that was dying from black lung disease. He was retired, but in and out of hospitals, etc. One day when his wife went to the store for food, he ran his arms over the blade of his table saw and bled out. I can only imagine what kind of pain he must have been experiencing to do something like that.

  8. They might not be assuming that you are ignorant or ill-informed, they could just be looking for a good deal or have a limited amount of funds to spend. They may figure that it never hurts to ask. But I would never get upset about getting a lowball offer, it's a business deal, no emotional involvement.

  9. I can never figure out why most dog owners seem to hate cats so much either.

    Scroll up about 5 posts. PM me and I'll explain anything that you have trouble figuring out.

    I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. Unless you live alone in the boondocks and don't have any nearby neighbors, both cats and dogs should be kept inside or controlled so that they don't cause problems for their neighbors. Irresponsible owners are the source of most pet problems.

  10. Moth ball keep cats out of gardens.

    We'd have to use quite a few. We've tried a pet deterrant that consisted of black and red pepper powder and some sort of pepper oil...........to no avail. I may try moth balls on a section and see if it works, thanks.

    Moth balls are very toxic to all warm-blooded animals. Be careful how you use them.

    I can never figure out why most dog owners seem to hate cats so much either. I like them both, but dogs are certainly a lot more work to take care of. I always figured the reason that cats buried their crap was that they were doing the dogs a favor, making it harder to find, since so many dogs seem to like to eat it. Duh. How smart is that?

  11. Stories like these confirm that life isn't fair. A few years back, I was sitting in my car in a parking lot waiting for someone when a woman pulled into the next space and creased the side of my car pretty good. I wanted to call a cop and do an accident report, but she said she didn't want her car insurance to go up, was very sorry, etc., and would pay for the damage if I just got a body shop estimate. She seemed very nice and was driving a new Caddy, so I said fine, and got her ID info, etc. The next day I got an estimate which was around $400, and called her up to discuss it. She said she had no idea what I was talking about and hung up on me. That was the last time I ever gave anyone a break in that kind of situation. Dumbest thing I've ever done with my car: I used share a garage with a neighbor woman. One day she parked so close to my driver's door that I couldn't get into the car. So, instead of bothering her to move her car over, I decided open my car's passenger door, put the car in neutral, and push it out of the garage. I didn't notice the slight incline at the entrance to the garage, and when my car got to that point, it sped up. I was standing next to the open passenger door pushing it back, and when it sped up I couldn't stop it until the open door hit the side of the frame of the garage door, springing the hinge on the car door so that it wouldn't seal when closed, causing air and water leaks. Duh. On a related note, somebody stole the outside rearview mirror from the housing on my driver's door a few months ago. That's pretty low. I just can't win.

  12. A man who owned dolphins found out that if he fed the dolphins with a certain kind of sea bird, the dolphins would live forever. So he went to the spot to where the special sea birds were found, captured them and put them in a cage and then started back to his dolphins. As he was heading home, he saw an old, decrepit lion standing in his way so he jumped over the lion. The police immediately arrested him. The charge?

    Transporting gulls across a staid lion for immortal porpoises.

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