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Posts posted by dr.hug

  1. Again I have to thank you all for your help.

    (The Peach pre is very high up their in reguards to all)

    I guess from what I can gather is I have to have more money for the amp

    I don't want to keep spending money upgrading I want something that will make me happy for a long time.4.gif

    Or at least till the wife forgets


  2. Just a side note... The mother inlaw lives in the New jersey. so I looked at it as I could go and visit her and if I am lucky No-duty when I cross the border on the way home.


    I would perfer to get everything up here (just because if I had it shipped to her then if their are any issues I could resolve it on the spot) rather than 2 months later. but on the other hand it might be less of a hassal from what Dflip pointed out.

    Dean, would you suggest any other amps that would work well with the Peach

    (As it stands I am leaning to the Peach from all the good words on it.)

    have any of you listened to the mini's and the Peach together?

  3. Just a side note... The mother inlaw lives in the New jersey. so I looked at it as I could go and visit her and if I am lucky No-duty when I cross the border on the way home.


    I would perfer to get everything up here (just because if I had it shipped to her then if their are any issues I could resolve it on the spot) rather than 2 months later. but on the other hand it might be less of a hassal from what Dflip pointed out.

    Dean, would you suggest any other amps that would work well with the Peach

    (As it stands I am leaning to the Peach from all the good words on it.)

    have any of you listened to the mini's and the Peach together?

  4. Thanks for all the Replys ...

    I am a little confused I though the amp would be something that you would always keep and the pre amp would be what you would upgrade.

    Also would this sound better than say a used audio research CA50(intagrated)

    I guess what I am trying to do is narrow down the list so that I can go and listen.

    The problem is that their is a limited amount of places that have these tubes for me to listen to. the mini mites and peach are if I drive to the USA (I don't mind) I just want to make sure they have synergy also with the RF5's.


  5. Question what would you buy $2000 CDN to buy a push pull tube amp for RF5's.

    More interested in Integrateded amps (35 watts) but if the preamp and amp can come up to this and sound better than the the integrated I am all Ears.

    ok Max $2500 and yea I am ok with used but not vintage.

    Thanks To all


  6. I have experiance with the RF5's and the yamaha RXV800 and RXV1400 ( They have the same sonic sound. and I would bet money the 1500 would sound the same. What I mean when I say sonic(The features per model are more but the overall sound is the same.) I went to the Onkyo 801 when I listened to the 501 it sounded better than the yamaha. I wish I had a chance to compare the HK and the Dennon but I ruled out the HK at the time because the sales guy was saying they were still having issues Quality control(QC) and he didn't carry the dennon's.

    My best recomendation try them out I know the onkyo sounded clearer cleaner less noisey. (Trust me I tried to love the Yammy especialy beacuse of YPO)

    but as you said 2 channel was lacking.

    As it stands I will stick to my onkyo and go for a tube amp for

    2 channel16.gif

  7. I like reggea R&B jazz etc.. my room dimentions are 18 x 12 (family room) it is open concept to the kitchen 12 x 9 and 9 foot ceilings.

    I have Klipsch RF5's but I was wondering how the Shanling STP-80 holds up.

    Any other recomendations in that price range.

    I like the look but I am also new to tubes so I couldn't say this is better than the other.

    Thanks again for the help!5.gif

  8. Does anyone have an objective review and comparison withthe Shanling STP-80 vs other comaprablepriced amps and also vintage gear...

    I am looking to get into tubes but I want to know if it would be better tho go old vintage and have it rebuilt over the new stuff.

    Also if you have any opinions on the sound please voice it!!! and recomendations!!9.gif

    Thanks Hug

  9. I had the 2400 but returned it for the onkyo. To my ears it was a clean sounding amp just better sounding. like cjgeraci said if sound is what you are after the HK is better than the Yamaha.

    If you can go listen to them both don't pay too much attention to the model numbers because the Yamaha has a specific sound and so does the HK the more you pay the better quality and the more refined it will be. But it will retain the same sound.

    As a note: I had the RXV-1000 and then I thought the 2400 would be a step up but when I did a side by side it sounded the same ( Just YPAO is very nice but if you take the time you can get the same setup with out it. )

    IMO HK is a good choice


  10. select the speaker ajust(just above cd button on receiver) and select speakers and use the pre set ( above audio ajust button on receiver) to select the amount/type of speakers.

    also note the onkyo requires you to push the receiver button to ajust any audio through the remote. ( I have the 801 ) but a friend has the 501

    I hope this helps5.gif

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