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Posts posted by triode

  1. "I know I originally posted that by comparison I thought the Eminence

    made the Beyma "sound like an overpriced POS", but I think I might have

    been tricked by the brighter/louder speaker always sounds better

    thing. The little Eminence kicks butt, but the Beyma has a certain

    refined quality that's also very appealing -- just not as apparent

    until you settle in with for a bit. Intersting stuff."

    Naw, it just broke in![:D]

  2. Every time I make a major upgrade I wonder if it can get better, but it always does. I just don't really know how much better it can get. I have the parts lying around for a serious speaker upgrade, but can it get that much better? Will that finally be the end of the line? Ignorance is bliss, do I even want to know?


    2 Words - Tube Amps!

  3. One of the things that I have noticed, is that most folks get 'hung' up on the Khorn and Corner issue. I think a larger issue is the size of the room. Khorns need a lot of room to breathe. Big room = Great sound. Small room = poor sound.

    If you tried Khorns, and you didn't like them, your room was probably too small. A good room would be about 25 feet by 30 feet. Having great corners in a room that is 12 feet by 16 feet probably won't cut it!

    I have heard Khorns in a smaller room (with perfect corners) and they don't sound near as good as mine in a larger room with compromised corners.

  4. I owned Belles previously and now own Khorns. My Khorns are not in proper corners currently and they simply blow away my Belles and all of the La Scalas that I have heard! I had the same concerns when I got rid of my Belles.

    Go for the Khorns and don't worry about corners! - you can always add the corners later. The performance of Khorns freestanding in a room will demolish a pair of La Scalas.

  5. Triode:

    I agree the DRDs are nice amps, and they go together in a straightforward way. No dispute about their quality in the least.

    I think the question had to do with a preamp kit though, not a power amplifier. I've thought the Welborne Ultrapath (an important part of the preamp circuit was designed by the same guy who designed the DRDs) BP was kind of nice looking, and parts, build quality, and looks are always first rate with W-Labs. It's also gotten some pretty good reviews.


    Yup! - You're right! - Sorry bout that!

  6. You're right, you have no idea what you're doing! - The speakers that you mentioned are all low efficientcy speakers. Do what the other posters suggest. Try a Cornwall, Chorus, Forte - I'd pass on the Heresey. Stay with the Klispch Heritage high efficientcy speakers. - Then you can work your way up to La Scalla or Belles and when you're all grown up you can get a pair of Klipschorns!

  7. Bump!

    Cal Blacksmith wrote:

    With the unit unpluged, take a multimeter or continuity checker and put one lead on the chassis and the other on one of the prongs of the plug. Whichever side of the plug has continuity with the chassis, that is the neutral side of the plug and should be plugged into the LARGER side of the outlet, the outlet is polarized.

    For more than you ever want to know about your outlets (and more, like how to kill a baby with metal scissors and an outlet) go to:



    I tried this with a a CD Player and damned if I could get any continuity at all????

    Well, This is interesting:

    Dr. Bill Said:

    "There is no actual "connection" to the chassis of either side of the power cord. There is a certain amount of AC leakage via center taps of secondary windings, hum balance controls, capacitors, etc. "

    So what is Cal Blacksmith saying? -

  8. With the unit unpluged, take a multimeter or continuity checker and put one lead on the chassis and the other on one of the prongs of the plug. Whichever side of the plug has continuity with the chassis, that is the neutral side of the plug and should be plugged into the LARGER side of the outlet, the outlet is polarized.

    For more than you ever want to know about your outlets (and more, like how to kill a baby with metal scissors and an outlet) go to:


    I tried this with a a CD Player and damned if I could get any continuity at all????

    Well, This is interesting:

    Dr. Bill Said:

    "There is no actual "connection" to the chassis of either side of the power cord. There is a certain amount of AC leakage via center taps of secondary windings, hum balance controls, capacitors, etc. "

    So what is Cal Blacksmith saying? -

  9. With the unit unpluged, take a multimeter or continuity checker and put one lead on the chassis and the other on one of the prongs of the plug. Whichever side of the plug has continuity with the chassis, that is the neutral side of the plug and should be plugged into the LARGER side of the outlet, the outlet is polarized.

    For more than you ever want to know about your outlets (and more, like how to kill a baby with metal scissors and an outlet) go to:


    I tried this with a a CD Player and damned if I could get any continuity at all????

  10. hmmmnn ....

    makes all of that arguing about SET Vs. PP Vs. SS ..........

    kinda meaningless ....

    and re-inforces how important the Room setup is ......[;)]

    I have always maintained that speakers are the most important component. That's why I have Khorns. And the room and speaker interaction make up about 90%. Amplifiers are important and help in achieving that 5% extra. Cables, Caps, wires are neglible. I have Home Depot wire and have been called 'deaf' by more than one audiofool.

    I have no problems hearing differences between SS, PP or SET amps. Cables, I have a real problem with. I go with the cheapies.

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