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Everything posted by ob1db

  1. ---------------- On 2/21/2005 1:59:38 AM ttaylor wrote: Well I suppose I should have looked a bit closer to the JPEG of your Heresys. Mine are the next generation I guess. Mine have the velco glued to the masonite. It appears that yours used the trim to mount the grill possibly? Otherwise, I see no reason why it would need to be removed. So Im not sure they will fit. taylor ---------------- are yours Heresy I or II ? Can you post the serial numbers so we know the age ? And no, the grill should NEVER have been removed, sigh. What idiocy... As you will see in another reply, the grillcloth is stapled and the trim just nailed through it. I am still interested in your grills.
  2. ---------------- On 2/21/2005 10:40:13 AM Tom Mobley wrote: please post the serial numbers off the backs of the speakers, ---------------- Done, see prior post. I believe they are 1976 ---------------- I have a spare one of those logos you can have for free if the guy can't come up with it. ---------------- Thank you! Offer accepted. Shall I email you my address ?
  3. ---------------- On 2/21/2005 2:05:32 PM Budman54 wrote: i have a pair of 70 LaScalas and my grill cloth was stretched across the front face and stapled at least 500 times after i removed the 1/4 inch molding. the face was painted black also. sounds like yours are the same. ---------------- yep. looking losely I can see where the staples were. I suspect this is due to them being the unfinished version. The serial numbers are: 17N883 and 885 Anyone have any bright ideas on how to get the moulding off without trashing anything ???
  4. ---------------- On 2/21/2005 1:59:38 AM ttaylor wrote: Well I suppose I should have looked a bit closer to the JPEG of your Heresys. Mine are the next generation I guess. Mine have the velco glued to the masonite. It appears that yours used the trim to mount the grill possibly? Otherwise, I see no reason why it would need to be removed. So Im not sure they will fit. taylor ---------------- yep, the trim is attached directly and the cloth is stapled. Is the actual trim of yours black? How much ?
  5. So, does anyone actually KNOW how the originals were attached ? I do NOT see enough thickness for there to be any Masonite in there now. I suspect the cloth was stapled or glued and the molding nailed through it. It does not look like the grills described in the Cornwall etc. description.
  6. ---------------- On 2/18/2005 6:15:34 PM texican58 wrote: I haven't tried, but chances are you can still buy the grilles from Klipsch. ---------------- nope, only Heresy IIs ---------------- Meanwhile, how do Runt's speakers sound. From what I can tell, the woofs are damaged. GOD knows what else those poor speakers have been through, but I bet they've seen some wild stuff. ---------------- They sound great. I don't know why you say that about the woofers. One Woofer was blown, but I got it replaced. Todd maintained ALL his gear very well. I bought the entire studio!
  7. ---------------- On 2/19/2005 4:57:11 PM ttaylor wrote: Ive just completed re-veneering and upgrading my Heresys and wont be using the stock grills on them. One is perfect and the other is close but has a spot were the weave has been frayed. It could be fixed. I would like to keep the logos but would be happy with some others. They are black BTW. If you are interested, let me know. ---------------- so the frame itself is black ? Or just the cloth ? How much do you want for them ?
  8. Help needed. I own the pair of Klipsch Heresy speakers last belonging to Rock Artist Todd Rundgren. These are the original Architectural unfinished versions and were never finished. When I got them, they had the optional grills fitted. Now I am about to sell them and I have a dilemma. In the course of replacing a blown woofer, a technician accidentally (and needlessly) removed one grill and misplaced the pieces. Now I have one speaker with and one without grills! Looking them closely, it would appear these were simply made with fabric stretched across the box, then trim (baseshoe molding or similar ??) nailed right through it. There is no frame that I can see, just the molding. Possibly the fabric was glued in place. I need to replace the missing grill OR make two matching ones. Any ideas ? Does Klipsch still sell the cloth ? (I know the grills are history and the Heresy II does not fit at all). Has anyone made such grills or repaired existing ones ? Does anyone know for sure how they were made and/or fitted ? I have the suggestion to remove the one grill and take it into a frame shop, but I am fearful that I will destroy it in the process. I am open to ANY suggestions or help. I want them to be as authentic and original as possible within reason. For those interested, Todd Rundgren used these as his main mixing and recording speakers from when he bought them until he moved to Mauii, Hawaii about 4 years ago. To the best of my knowledge, most of his hits and the records he produced for others were recorded and/or mixed on this very pair of speakers. Thanks in advance, David (stock 1975-6 Heresy I pair, Yamaha Pro Series power amp PC2002) Attached is a picture, The pair are fitted with hanging hardware, hence they are upside down.
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