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  1. i took delivery of a 25-31pc+ last week, its unbelievable. I think pci would of been plenty, but...
  2. this is off the subject but, what do you think of your sub? I am going to order that same one next month.
  3. Has anyone heard of using RG-6 for inwall speaker wire instead of speaker wire? I went to a home audio/video instal speacialist and they told me they use RG-6 for all their installs. Curios i went home and hooked up one speaker with 12ga moster and 1 with RG-6. The RG-6 one sounded much better. so far I've ran about 300 feet of RG-6 for speakers and was wondering if it weas a bad idea before I seal off the ceilings.
  4. How are they? I was looking at them and the Kef satalite system, Quints are $700 with sub, Kef's are $1000 with-out sub. I was going to order a svs sub. The room is also used as daycare so system needs to be smaller in size and wall mountable.
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