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Posts posted by kmill99

  1. James:

    I'm not sure what your listening preference is, but if you really, really, really want to hear what Cornwall II's sound like........ Hook up a Sansui G9000 or a Pioneer SX-1980, or a Pioneer SX-1250 etc etc. Something with a bit more power.

    I am still in awe years later. I love the low level listening but I like to crank them up too! And boy....... Can they kick! Whoaaaaaaa

  2. Hi James. Out of my collection the Sansui G-9000db is my favorite, but I have not had a chance to put the Pioneer SX-1980 to the test yet.

    As far as the 730 vs 930, I found the 930 to be a completely diffrent receiver. To me, the 930 was far superior and the sound quality was superb compared to the 730. The 730 (though nice) just did not have enought "oooomph" for the Cornwall's. The 930 was a much nicer fit. T

    Now...... The Sansui G-9000db and the Cornwall II's. BUCKLE UP! It "thumps" like you would not believe! Like getting kicked in the gut when you crank it up, but low levels are just a sweet.


  3. Thanks James. Would you place multiple soft pads under the glass to help distribute the weight? Would the more pads under the glass be better, or would it be best to simply set the glass on top without pads? I am not an engineer so I don't know exactly which is the best method of weight distribution.

    Thanks again everyone!

  4. Hi everyone.

    I would like to utilize the space above my 1985 Cornwall II for a receiver. It is in a a corner, and since I have a Pioneer SX-1980 (78lbs) I dont want to set it on top of my Cornwall, but I do want to utilize that space. It looks great, and all the wires hide nicely behind the speaker.

    I need a stand that will go OVER the corwall, without blocking any sound or visual. I was leaning towards a rod iron stand (4 legged with flat platform on top) so it is strong enough. It is off to the left of my brick fireplace, so rod iron, or would match the fireplace utensils etc. I am afraid that wood would cover too much of the beauty of the speaker.forums Maybe I thick piece of fine wood on top of the speaker would suffice?

    Any ideas? I'm at a loss. (See attached photo)



  5. Thanks Hifi Jim. I agree that most of the time I will only be running 2 or my receivers at any given time in the house, but it is strickly for my enjoyment and I do so immensly. It really does not matter to me if they go up or down in value as it's just like my 78 Cornwall II's. I will never, ever part with them. I just want to create a bit of history for myself, my friends, my family and mostly.... for my enjoyment. Even if I only switch them around once a year! Ever since I noticed this photo: http://www.electricalhobby.com/monsterreceiversite (and the ones mentioned in text only) I have wanted one.... just one of each and in as mint of condition as possible. (That's not asking too much... LOL)

    It simply brings me great joy! What else matters right?

    Thanks again everyone and if you see any of these beauts let me know. I have a long way to go on the list, but I can cross off the Sansui G9000db, and the Pioneer SX-1980. It's a start.

  6. Naaaaaaaaa! I love collecting them, I have the space, and I have no desire to sell the ones I have already have. (including my 78 Klipsch Cornwall II's.

    They are here to stay! I want to restore them to their glory, and admire them on occastion. Once every few months I simply take down one, and put up another! It's much easire than taking care of my dog! Sooooo much easire. LOL



  7. As I am now divorced, have the time and have the space..... I would love to collect them. I will of course only have 1 or 2 in use at any given time, but it's my version of collection AFX cars. (Just bigger and more expensive, but not as much as full sized cars. LOL)It will be strictly for my own enjoyment and for my fellow audiophiles to enjoy and discuss. I would like to get each one in the stack eventually, and the others listed (but not shown) as are my Sansui G9000db. I want to get one at a time, in as perfect as condition as possible visually, and if needed have someone rebuilt to like new condition if possible. Can anyone tell me if all the ones shown in the stack (and listed on the link just above the picture) would be IDEAL collector items? I just thought it would be awesome to own what was shown in a 1970's add for the monsters as they tend to be my favorites. Thanks,Kevin
  8. Hi everyone!

    I also own a Sansui G9000db in incredible condition, but I am going to send it off for full restoration as it has never been overhauled.

    Anyway..... I noticed this picture: http://www.electricalhobby.com/monsterreceiversite

    I have seen this image for years, and always thought to myself..... "how cool would it be to replicate that stack" I will have 1 of the stack (LOL) SX-1980 soon and I have 1 that is mentioned (Sansui G9000db) but not shown. I would love to hear what you all have to say about these beasts shown, and (if money were not an object) would they be worth collecting? This also includes..... can they still be found... can they still be repaired.... are they any good etc????

    Attached is the monster stack picture.



  9. I currently have a Sansui G9000db hooked up to my 78 Cornwall's and man can it rock! Makes your heart skip a beat, but low level listening is just as amazing. I found my Pioneer SX-1980 and it will arrive in a few days. As the SX-1980 is such a beast at 270w, how careful do I need to be when playing through the Corns? I dont want to damage them, but I also want to give this setup a great "rockin" every once in awhile.



  10. Hi everyone. I have found 2 thus far. One is in perfect working condition, and I am awaiting to see if anything has been replaced or repaired. It is simply missing some of the lettering on the face, but I am certain I have a professional metal painter who can match that to a tee!

    The second has had a great deal of repair and I need your advice on if this is a good thing or not. I has had: the power supply rebuilt, Power supply board replaced, biased, tuner re-aligned, bad caps replaced, bad lights replaced and all switches and controls cleaned with deoxit.

    Your feedback is deeply appreciated.


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