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Everything posted by Rick0

  1. Receiver Pioneer VSX-D85OS 110w x 6.1 Center Klipsch SC-1 Rear Surrounds MB Quart QLA46 OCTA, corner mount Sub 18 JBL 2241H Sub Amp - Crown CE2000 EQ Optimus 10 band (x2) E-mail me if you need detailed specs on any of the components listed above. Room Specs 860sq. ft. apartment, upstairs, actual room size (roughly!) 18 long X 14 wide (I will have exact specs soon if needed) Budget Would love maybe $300-$500 shipped. Concerns: I need floor speakers that fill this room with sound at relatively low listening volumes, with enough bass available to keep things interesting, without disturbing downstairs neighbor. Dilemma: Should I buy floor standing speakers that produce good bass, or buy with more focus on mids/highs, and buy a replacement subwoofer. (I imagine my existing 18JBL with the Crown amp will be simply too much at any volume for the neighbors, please correct me if I could be wrong on this assumption though) I am shopping for floor standing speakers that would best match the SC1. Klipsch recommends the SF-1, SF-2, and SP-1. I wonder how important it is to match the SC-1 that I currently own, with the wide array or current floor speakers choices available today. I imagine there could be a potential Klipsch killer available for the same price I would pay to match my SC-1 center. How important is speaker matching with my setup? The primary uses would include mostly television/video game/movies, as I must listen to music LOUD which is no longer possible as I will be moving into an upstairs apartment, and will be forced to purchase headphones for that. I have a friend in the same complex that uses 2.1 Technics that most likely have one or two 10 woofers each, and they actually sound just fine to me at low volumes, and I have seen something like them on ebay for $60 bucks. Im open to any/all suggestions. Thanks in advance! Contact me: trickyrick00 AT hotmail DOT com
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