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Posts posted by sunburnwilly

  1. 1 hour ago, Marvel said:

    My PET-CT showed no evidence of anything, and another PSA test was still elevated ( 1.2 ). Options and decisions...

    Good luck sir . As was explained to me If you are over 70 prostate cancer is very slow growing and men can go a long time before it's an issue . At my age of 57 it advances much quicker which seems backwards to me at least 🤷‍♂️ .

    For reference my PSA was 158 at my first visit to the urologist on Jan 31st . On my first day of chemo on March 17th it was 250 . 

  2. On 3/24/2023 at 1:01 AM, moray james said:

    hang tough prayers and good vibes your way, remember good things can happen too.

    Oh yeah , there is no effing way that I don't handily beat the number my oncologist offered up ! Thanks for the Good Vibes 👍

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  3. 12 hours ago, babadono said:

    I will pray for you SB willy. What is your real first name? God loves names.

    William , my older brothers and sisters picked Willy as my nickname . The said our mom gave them a choice of Willy or Marty 🤷‍♂️

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  4. 12 hours ago, the real Duke Spinner said:

    Uuugggh... It's an old guy thing  .... I have a number of friends that are One Nut Wonders. 😧

    Still have both of those but they have shut down my testosterone production so it's kind of a chemical castration . In most men it comes back within a year . In a way it's similar to a woman goin through menopause , hot flashes , mood swings .

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  5. 23 hours ago, JohnJ said:

    No more hair in the way:dry:.

    Yep , oncologist says I should have a couple of weeks with the hair and my nails might also go ; I work with the public so that's going to be an adjustment . 


    23 hours ago, JohnJ said:

    your cardio workouts

    Still getting after it ! Felt terrible Monday and Tuesday but still went to my gyms group spin classes . Doing the best I can but I'm not able to be the bull for now . The drugs compromise my immunity so that could be an issue down the road .

    On 3/22/2023 at 12:53 AM, JohnJ said:

    Eat your veggies, meat, grains, fruit as natural and balanced as possible!

    Still have a decent appetite but nothing like it was and no more wine until I complete this chemo cycle . 

    • Like 3
  6. Well this is awkward .

    I had been experiencing prostate issues for a bit which is common in guys my age , 57 . Finally went to a urologist and long story short I have prostate cancer . Livable and treatable unless you catch it too late because prostate cancer is one of those cancers that likes to go to the bone 🍖
    Had a CT scan and a bone scan on the 10th . CT was mostly good ; organs normal size and contour . A bit of a tumor in a node but workable . Bone scan was bad , shits everywhere . 
    First meeting with my oncologist was last Monday the 13th and I started chemo St. Patricks day . No time for orientation or prep they just threw me in and gave me the kitchen sink , their term for 3 drugs . Infusion , shot and pill , my insurance wouldn't cover the pill so they are working on financial assistance and possibly it could be covered through some other channels . Six treatments every three weeks and then bone strengthener and something else every three months for ever . 

    First bad day was yesterday the 20th and it was weird . I felt like a pincushion/voodoo doll . Constant sharp stabbing pain intermittent and random mostly in my torso and pelvic area but also my knees and legs in general . Maybe that’s the bone drugs doing their thing 🤷‍♂️ . A little bit of nausea but that's nothing compared to the other stuff I was experiencing .

    The thing is we've all seen the ads for prostate conditions and guys can deal with it for a while . I was stubborn and when I got around to doing something about it , well .

    Wish me luck !    


    Oh yeah , do not use any testosterone supplements unless directed by a physician ! Testosterone fuels prostate cancer like estrogen does breast cancer . I was using the Weider Prime Testosterone Support supplement that I picked up at Costco when I first noticed symptoms . 

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