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Everything posted by Splugster

  1. Well, in general, the sound quality I get from my existing 4.1's are outstanding. The extra sub alone for me is worth it though and I guess at this point,instead of investing in a new system I'm trying to make do with what I have and thought this might expand my experience a bit. If the hassle involved isn't worth it, I'll look into buying a new system. Figured I would ask here before heading down that path though.( this is mainly a PC that is used for music, nothing more)
  2. Hello My question is, can I hooke up two 4.1 systems to one computer( I currently have two uh lying around!). I remember there was/is a plug I could use to run both channels(front/rear) into 1 audio out on my sound card. Does this still exist and why can't I find it anywhere? I was thinking I could run a 4.1 on my front channel and a 4.1 on my rear channel.
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