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  1. I personally prefer NREV. Why? The list just goes on and on. Lets talk about the obvious things that PS3 and X360 won't have. The most popular one off the bat is the Revolution's download feature, which allows you to connect to Nintendo and download NES, SNES and N64 games. I heard a lot of people say that they want a PS3 because it is backwards-compatible with PS2 games and NREV does not. That is not true, NREV WILL be able to play GC games, and (downloaded) NES, SNES and N64 games for that matter. NREV also has the most games I am SO looking forward to when NREV comes out, especially the new Super Smash Bros coming out. The NREV is more... carryable... than the refrigerator-looking PS3 and soda-machine X360. It would be awesome taking the NREV on a fieldtrip. The NREV will have my favorite classic characters like Mario, Link and Samus. The NREV is CHEAPER! I do not need a game console with an HD or a super powerful video card, NREV's graphics are already revolutionary. Ok so the $500 PS3 and X360 has better technology, big deal. Sony is trying to wipe out it's competitors by making the most tech-filled console. Actually, the PS3 itself costs $2000 to make because it is so powerful, and they try to sell it for $500 as a desperate attempt to wipe out Nintendo. So Sony is losing (A LOT) of money. For every thousand consoles they sell, it will cost them $1,500,000! If they keep doing what they are doing they will surely go bankrupt eventually. As for Nintendo, instead of making the most POWERFUL console, they go for creativity, originality, and games. If the Nintendo DS didn't have a touch screen and be as expensive as the PSP, would it be out-selling PSP as we speak? (Well, I'm the only one speaking, actually.) Of course not... at least I don't think so. Before we were even introduced to the PS3 and crap, Nintendo had only 10% of the video game sales, yet it was making as much money as Sony, video-game wise. Why? Nintendo is doing the smart thing, making more money, losing less. Nintendo is NOT childish! The PS2 has dozens of bloody, gorey, murderous games, which Jack Thompson is now trying to ban, and SEQUELS to those bloody, gorey, murderous games. BIG DEAL! It does NOT make the NREV childish. If you dig mindless shooter games, go for it, but it doesn't make Nintendo childish. Sony is actually a bit immature for making "AWESOME! I GET TO USE A PLASTIC BAG TO SUFFOCATE VICTIMS!" games. As long as the games are fun, I play them... and SSBM is the definition of fun. Also, if a parent was deciding which console to buy for their child, they would more than likely buy the mushroom-stomping Mario console and not the "OMIGOD! HEADSHOT!" console. Nintendo has 100 years of experience. They know whats bad, and they know whats AWESOME! Also the controller is way innovative. I mean, what would you rather play an FPS with, an analog stick or a gun-like controller? You can also play tennis, play baseball, use lightsabers, fish, and WHACK PEOPLE! If people would grow balls and actually play games they enjoy instead of paying attention to other people laughing at them for playing Nintendo games, then Nintendo would wipe out Sony and Microsoft entirely, except for the hi-tech graphics freaks. Anything PS3 can do, NRev can do too, but not the other way. Besides, I'm pretty sure that this console will be packed with your lust for blood and gore. So to make a long story short, GO NINTENDO!
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