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Posts posted by boa12

  1. reminds of an elderly guy I had for a next door neighbor in a townhome in the early 80's.

    I had a tendency to crank my new cornwalls when I(or we) got back from the bars Fri nites. he was cool though. he would attempt to retaliate the next am while I was hung-over/sleeping by cranking his Lawrence Welk LPs. fortunately his old RCA console just didn't have the same output. smile.gif

    anyway, I think there are some platforms that seperate the speak from the floor (you'd have to take off the spikes of course. brightstar has some in granite.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  2. greg, yes


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  3. phil, thanks. no width figures available? that's where i'm limited until I get that bigger house w/ a basement to fit my system.

    my guess following the logic would be the cabinet is 1" wider than the woofer, so the rf-5 would be 9" & the rf-7 11". we'll see.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  4. could klipsch or anyone give the physical dimensions of the new RF-5 & rf-7?

    particularly the width (i only have a couple inches to spare in front).

    oh & though it hasn't been stated directly, it looks like the RF-5 have 2 8" woofs.

    is that right??? thanks


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  5. The Return of the PR! (did the lf have a pr?)

    anxious to see some rsw reviews.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  6. thanks for the radiator info guys. so I guess the big ? is why klipsch decided to bring em back for their new rsw sub line(?)

    sounds like they're going for the big impact for HT, but maybe not as fast & musical (?)

    may not be good to put one w/ a big servo sub without an a/b switch for both HT & music listening. can't wait for the rsw reviews.

  7. hey thanks again ray - I can now sleep well smile.gif

    may have to look at a REL too for the hgs top for HT slam.

    u have any thoughts on the passive radiator?

    (as in above that is)


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  8. looks like the new rsw subs are using an equal sized passive radiator. why don't more of today's subs use these? i haven't noticed (w/ my limited experience) any other subs using them. any cons to them?

    do they possibly increase distortion levels for the sake of increased impact or extension?

  9. great idea! so after I get the new amp, that'll be next - either a 16-46 or rsw-15 on top of the hgs-15. we'll see smile.gif


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  10. sounds like phil had some late nights smile.gif

    hey phil, when u wake up please update us on when klipsch will be telling us something.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  11. the hgs do have a 3000W Class D amplifier. that's 3000W peak. as I write this my monitor is rattling w/ just some lame movie from cable on & the receiver volume at only 3. this sub does have impact. if u want more, u can always crank the output. then u get the distortion up w/ the other subs, no?

    & don't other subs just call the horse (servo) by a dif. name? like sunfire & it's "patented downconverter". what's that? isn't that a means to the same end?

    just wanted to make the point that a servo does clampdown, but in the case of the hgs it's clamping down on a pretty big amount of juice from the get go.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  12. tv, well given this it's a wonder that everyone keeps saying that the hgs is like "great on HT but also pretty musical". seems the other way around then as I like it's tight, clean bass on music such as chilli pepper's blood sugar... cd but do notice the clampdown on the HT blasts.

    I do have an empty sub output - if i were to look at a 2nd sub like an sv or the new rsw-15, is it all right to use 2 different subs as mains in my case, or best to just use the 2nd sub on just like the rear channels?

    i think i asked this before & got mixed opinions. thnksText


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  13. let's see,... i could get the rf-7 for the fronts, move my current rf-3 to the rear next to the cornwalls & then use the cornwalls as just as "B" speakers for music, get the rs-7 as side surrounds, get the rc-7 & move the current rc-3 to the rear center, get the rsw-15 for a rear sub (or would it be all right as a main sub along w/ an hgs-15?). oh, then i'll need a new 7.1 receiver.

    yea, that's the ticket...anybody run a loan co.? smile.gif


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  14. tv, great info. but is there really a documented sub that has lower distortion than the HGS-15 at 102db/25hz at a lower price? besides the Prep H, if I paid for the anal clampdown, shouldn't I be rewarded w/ the lowest distortion?


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  15. still the rsw-15 has same wattage as the newer lf-10 did(?) i expected more amp power than the lf's had.

    has anyone seen a passive radiator used in this type set up before? i haven't, but somewhat new to subs.

    but klipsch seems to hate the servo, so maybe w/ this design they get some real slam out of less amp output than the vel hgs or sunfire while still keeping distortion relatively low. guess we'll see...

  16. that's a pretty interesting new design on those subs. is that 1000W peak on the 15? if so, figured they'd go higher wattage, but maybe w/ that design it's not needed. looks like they may have some answer to a servo w/ not as much clampdown (?)

    they're calling legends classics? they're definitely history.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  17. frans, please say hi to that lovely lady from antwerp i met in NY. what was her name...? smile.gif anyway please see the web site category. there is a thread on it i think called karma rating or something.


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

  18. yea I was going to say something too todd, but tried to use restrain smile.gif i think (hope) u meant in that price range. watch it, this is a tough crowd smile.gif


    RF-3 (front), RC-3, Cornwall I (rear)

    Velodyne HGS-15 sub

    Monsterbass 400 sub cables & Monster Z-12 speak wire

    Sony de935 a/v receiver

    Sony DVP-C650D dvdp

    Sony Trinitron 27" tv

    Technics dual cassette deck

    Technics direct drive turntable

    Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2000 digital cable box

    rock on!

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