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Everything posted by magnu55

  1. I'm currently away from home on a business trip in Roseville, CA. I'll check on the sub when i get home in 2 weeks time. On a related note, I'm wondering if I should get a new one. Anyone knows if the Bay area has iFi's for sale? Thanks.
  2. so i finally bought a new fuse and insered into the slot in the sub and no go! My ifi still won't power up. Can anything else on the sub blow? What else can i check to replace? I'm pretty sure something blew when i turned the sub levels up because the light on the control pod flickered and went out. And now it's dead.
  3. I checked the yellow box and it looks and smells fine... any other ideas?
  4. So I finally opened up my sub to dig out the fuse and it looks like the fuse wasn't blown! Does anyone have any idea why my system has no power at all? The control pod does not have the green "power on" LED. Help please!!! Mine was a refurbished unit with expired warranty!
  5. Thanks a lot Jay! I'll give it a shot when i get home tonight! Thanks for the pic too!
  6. Hi Jay, do you mean I would have to remove the back plate of the subwoofer by removing all the screws? This seems a rather dangerous and invasive procedure! Any precautions I should take note of? Thanks.
  7. Hi everyone, I think my IFI blew its fuse. I connected my ipod, was playing fine. I turned the sub levels to max and the lights on the dock flickered and went dead. I tried to power the system on to no avail after that. My question is, where is the fuse? I can't seem to find it! And secondly, what fuse should I buy to replace it? Thanks in advance.
  8. ok, I'm feeling a LITTLE better hearing you guys say these. I can think of two things i can try right now... 1. place sub on ground, against corner of wall, as far from me as possible 2. i've only run the system for about an hour last night so, I'll let it break in for a few hours at least. Questions: how high should the sub setting be for break in? Any type of music I should be playing for break in? And Larry1, I'm playing music from my computer through the sub's line in. Any more suggestions I could try? Keep'em coming in! Thanks.
  9. I just set up my iFi last night and when I power on, the bass was not what I had expected. I have read so much about them being so much better than the subs from the Promedia seriesand the Logitechs. And yes, I have cranked up the subwoofer level all the way up. From my subjective impressions, the bass from other much cheaper systems seem to have louder (note, I said louder and not tighter or defined or any other word I don't really understand) bass. Is this normal? Or am I simply putting too much hope and expectations in this system? If they are functioning the way they are made to, I would have to live with it. But if they are faulty then I should get them replaced. I guess all I would really need to know is how can I check to know that the subwoofer is indeed functioning correctly? Also, would placing the subwoofer at the corner of the room (against two walls) help with the bass? Right now it is on a table beside me. Would Monster cables help? I can get those from Best Buy. Thanks in advance!
  10. Ahhh thanks so much for the info... i was wondering, would this entail anything like setting the speakers to "headphones" in control panel or the soundcard settings? or this is unnecessary? My thinking is that headphones only have one input and hence the soundcard would give the full range over the front speaker out.
  11. Hi Amy, or anyone else who knows, are these iFis that were used for shows and such, tested again after the events to ensure that they still meet required specifications before they are sold off as refurb units? I'm hoping to take the plunge but I'm a little paranoid about "refurb"...
  12. Hi i'm currently considering to purchase an iFi for my desktop PC. My soundcard has 3 3.5mm outputs: front, rear and center+LFE. Since the iFi only accepts one 3.5mm input and logically i should hook the front output to the iFi, what happens to the LFE signals for the sub?
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