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Posts posted by Seb

  1. Umm, music, sorry for asking, but aren't you with 3dfiles.com?

    noticed your email address...

    if so, then that's pretty lame publicity.

    you could've at least told us it was your board...


    'cuz nobody ever said

    "Pump up the treble!"

  2. ok, a serious answer.

    the reason you can't view the menu on the side (i assume that's what you meant) is that you don't have java enabled.

    you can view other sites, but you can't view other sites that have java in them.

    i had the same problem, cause for some reason my java messed up and it was disabled in my browser.

    you should be able to ugrade to a newer version of netscape or IE to get java, or maybe it's just that java is disabled in your browser.

    if such is the case, go to your internet options, and in the advanced tab, scroll down and you should see stuff related to java. in my browser, ie whateverthelatestversionis, it's under microsoft VM i think.

    hope it helps.


    'cuz nobody ever said

    "Pump up the treble!"

  3. I'm still using my trusty creative labs tnt2 ultra...

    I was wondering, do you guys know up to which point it's overclockable?

    I have a cool little overclocking utility, but I don't know when I will cross the safety line...

    Any suggestions?


    'cuz nobody ever said

    "Pump up the treble!"

  4. i have my doubts.

    why do you think there's no copy protection on windows cds?

    Microsoft obviously knows that a lot of people use windows without having bought it. but they still haven't implemented a copy protection other than a CD key. it's really easy to copy a windows cd, and then whenever you need the cd windows will gladly recognize the copied cd as the real one.

    my theory is that microsoft wants windows to be used by as many people as possible (obviously), and they don't really care if they get the money for every single one of them, they care more about their monopoly. so they let people copy the cd because they know darn well that more people are going to go for windows if it's free to them (because it's so easy to copy), instead of going towards an open-based OS which is officially free.

    makes sense? i think it's a smart scheme from microsoft...


    'cuz nobody ever said

    "Pump up the treble!"

  5. we will be able to soon up here in quebec.

    the local cable company is thinking of offering phone service through its network.

    that'd be a first!


    'cuz nobody ever said

    "Pump up the treble!"

  6. kimber: it only took me 2 tries to make that one...

    i'm finished with the factory driver, and i'd be finished with the evolution mode if it wasn't for that stupid new bug i got...

    now when i click on my name in the first menu it brings me back to windows....



    I've only been playing for like 4 days, i want more... I think I'll get the full version.


    Pump up the BASS!!

  7. I have the game and when I race on the Normandie track, the game (and my whole computer) lock up at turn number 2. I have to restart all the time. It seems to do it randomly, like 4 outta 5 times, but I've only been able to overcome it twice by going really slow and staying in last place. I think it's only a coincidence though.

    Any suggestions?

    Oh, by the way, I'm still playing a pirated version I downloaded of the Net, because I wanted to see if the game's worth it. It is, apart from that.


    Pump up the BASS!!

  8. cool thanks i thought it was something like that but i didn't know which was EAX and which was 5.1 with decoder...

    oh crap actually...

    it says in the game huh?

    i just found it out, sorry to bother.


    Pump up the BASS!!

  9. I don't know if there's a lot of people who go to this section of the bb, but i still hope to get some answers.

    Here's my question: in Unreal Tournament, there are two options referring to surround sound.

    One is called "use hardware 3D sound" and the other is called "use surround sound".

    Now which one should I check or is it better to check both?

    I have a Soundblaster Live! and the Pros.

    Thanks peeps!


    Pump up the BASS!!

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