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  1. Acoustic Horn - "A tube of varying cross section having different terminal areas, which change the acoustic impedance to control the directivity of the sound pattern." Audio Terms Explained Greeting Folks, I've been thinking of horns lately... Horn loaded speakers sound so much better. Paul Klipsch realized this many years ago... Anyway, I tend to over think things > I like too understand how things work... So I been thinking of horns thinking they are worthy of further discussion. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of Energy) This law suggests that energy can be transferred from one system to another in many forms. However, it can not be created nor destroyed. With this principle in mind it begs the question what lost in the conversion that takes place in a horn? Usually there is a price tag that comes with any benefit - you improve one thing but to the demise of another. With the horn it all seems like benefit. A few years ago my brother and I made some Bushhorn speakers to see how they sounded it was amazing what kind of clean bass we derived from a simple Fostex driver. In addition to my question of what is lost I also ask what happens to the sound and specifically the soundwaves? When I think of this I tend to think in terms of phase and alignment like a turbulent river that has been altered to flow In laminar with the same amount of kinetic energy present just packaged better. Without tons a mathematical formulas and computations can anybody contribute to the understanding of what a horn does and how it does it? Scott
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