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Posts posted by zork52

  1. Folks,

    I'm running 5.1 HT and currently have always used a KV-3 as center channel between Klipschorns ( front ) and KG 3.2's ( rear, er actually the side but rear in my LR set up ).

    The Center is on the shelf below my 61" DLP on a Bush glass and metal stand. The only possible upgrade I might think about would be an RC-64. Space is non negoitable.

    A friend ( on-line ) never been to his house has this set up and he likes it. All of you Pooh Pooh this match up however. Wouldn't this still be a decent upgrade? From what I"ve seen of his LR pics and mine, we both have less than ideal rooms.

  2. Hey guys,

    I've posted before about this topic and still pondering..................I've got a Mac 7205 @ 125 per and can upgrade to the MC205 @ 200 per for around 3K or less.

    I"ve also "though" about the Butler 5150, but I'm not a guy who wants to fool around maintain tubes, although Butler says it's a trouble free long lasting amp.


    ALSO, I've got a Rel Strada II sub and thinking about upgrading to a Velodyne or anyone heard of PMC?


  3. Thanks for replies to all. I know what everyone says about the tubes and was getting real close to trying a Butler, but would really like SS. I've heard the Krell TAS in the store powering some Thiel 7.2's which are pretty power hungry and it did a good job.....

    I have seen in person, but also somehow intrigued by Theta Digital and the Dreadnuaght amps.

    I'm trying to be careful and do it right just one more time.................

  4. Someone from Home Theater thread steered me this way.

    I'm looking at some SS upgrades and wondering if anyone is using the Krell line of components or Theta with their Khorns?

    I'm looking for my all in one system. Music and Movies.

    If so, what did they replace and are you happy?


  5. Thank you for your service.

    I have Klipschorns with KG 3.2 for rears and KV-3 center which I might upgrade someday. I've heard the 62 vs. 64 and though the 64 did a better job, but should at almost twice the price.

    I can't really offer advice having "different" Klipsch's that the other posters. But I've always gone into debt to buy the best stuff I thought I could pay for ( eventually ) . LOL

    These guys probably know best.

  6. Hi Felix,

    I haven't been on this forum much as I spend too much time on AVS fourm. I'd like to add that Klipsch over the years has made some nice very small speakers that could perhaps replace the "cubes". Then you would have an all Klipsch speaker system which would have to sound better.

    BTW, I'm from Massachusetts. A friend of mine just came from Austin TX and he offered me a field service job out there, but I would be on my own out there. I've lived in Mass my whole 53 years.I'm sure I'd get homesick.

    He did say it's great city however. Sounds like you guys all like it.

  7. Hello Farwest,

    Wow, these guys have some bucks!!!

    I have KG 3.2's as my side/rear speakers on some home made table stand. I live in a rectangle set-up also. Smaller that others have. I have a split level home and one of my rears is farther away due to stairway and landing. My pre pro compensates for that however.

    I have a smaller KV-3 center on a shelf below my new Sammy DLP.........

    My system sounds pretty good.

    I may eventually upgrade my Amp and Center, but no room or desire to change rears..........

  8. Thanks for replies and keep em coming.

    I've got a Mac 7205, but I think it lacks in the bass dept. Use to have a Para HCA multi and it did great for HT, but a little "gritty" for HT.

    When some money falls from the sky, I'm considering Butler Blue Tube multi channel, thought about Earthquake, or Gemstone.

    Also, are any of you Khorn guys familiar with Aragon for Surround processor, or even their amps??

    I have a B+K ref 30 that sounds pretty good, but are there better choices? I do like OSP as an option for adjustments however.

  9. Got K-horns in front, KV-3 center, Kg 3.2's in side/rear.

    I have a glass and metal stand from Bush with a new Sammy DLP and I've got my KV-3 down below it. I've only got around 10 inches or so in height to put a center in there. Actually have to lift up glass top to put speaker in............I was just "checking out" the RC-64 Center channel which should open up sound from Center considerably...........It would fit and would kick ***. Big bucks. Any of you listen to it??.

    Listened to the RC-64 last night just for a short time. Used a favorite movie as reference.

    I know I heard an improvement over my KV-3. Guess I'd have to try it in my home..........

  10. My 35" inch Mitsu died earlier this year..........I got a Sammy 5688 DLP. Pretty happy with it. Yes some silk screen effect, but other than that. A new bulb every 5 or 6000 hours and pic is back to new..........other technologies have their probs. Watch out for green glob effect on Sonys. Doesn't happen till about 6 months.

    Couldn't get HDTV Sat cus of trees. I had SD Satellite but it sucked. Got cable till something better comes along.

    Still searching/looking for DVD player. Considering 2nd Gen Tosh HD-DVD. But if reviews aren't stellar, I may just got with good 300 to 400 dollar progressive scan DVD player. Tried OPPO but couldn't get Dolby Dig to work with my B+K ref 30 proc. Long story still looking.

    I have an "old" Sony DVP S7700 but doesn't look that great on new TV.

    check www.avsforum.com

    You'll find TOO much information. It will wear you out............feel free to email me at zork52@verizon.net for more info..............

  11. Hey guys. New here. Owned all kinds of Klipsch for 30 years. Nothing but Klipsch.

    I'm "poor" but addicted. I also have Tinnitus in one ear so I don't really rock out as much as I used to. But love clean, clear, powerful sound.

    Looking for some opinions on a few topics.............

    Currently with K-horns ( front ) Kv-3 ( center ) and KG 3.2's for what is technically my side/rear due to living room layout.

    I used to have a Parasound HCA amp which I really liked for HT. But being sentimental, I went out and got a Mac 7205, which unfortunately doesn't have the bottom end I'd like. All Mac was my first system MANY years ago.

    I've been considering the new Para Classic ( don't like the looks of Halo ), Gemstone Blue Diamond, was looking at Earthquake, and then some guys on AVS were talking up the Butler Audio amp. I see someone talking up Brytson on here, but I heard you can cook eggs on it and they're very expensive.

    I'm seriously considering the Butler, but hard to imagine it will give me the tight and powerful bottom end. They say it will. Some of these amps are mail only, so shipping can add up if trial period doesn't work out.


    I have a glass and metal stand from Bush with a new Sammy DLP and I've got my KV-3 down below it. I've only got around 10 inches or so in height to put a center in there. Actually have to lift up glass top to put speaker in............I was just "checking out" the RC-64 Center channel which should open up sound from Center considerably...........It would fit and would kick ***. Big bucks. Any of you listen to it??.

    I probably could have and should have bought a house with all the money I've spent on Hi-Fi. That makes me an idiot, but also an audiophile................

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