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  1. You would not want to use suction cups on fresh set mastic-glue it takes about a month for mastic to hard cure to be stable enough to lift. Otherwise you could get cut very badly if they turned loose and the mirror broke and cut you. and cut the cup ruining it .and dropping the speaker and then breaking a foot! Trust me it's no fun I've had shards-large pieces of broken glass, fall around me!
  2. Yes, the mirrors I origanally put on are still there just got broke moving. will remove and clean and re glue new beveled mirrors on and yes the edge will be mirror bevel just have to keep 1/8 clearance all around to keep from touching other mirrors vibration of two mirrors touching would be very bad indeed.This will be very slow process will custom cut and then have to be beveled at factory for each piece. Have to glue and let glue set and make sure does not move till glue is set four days .Been doing mirrors for 36 years.This will be tougher than first time seem like it took me two weeks last time and the mirrors were not bevelled. It takes about four days wait time for custom pieces. the original set did not have the front edges mirrored either.Also the side walls vibrating will be stiffened somewhat with mirror glued both inside and out, but they look pretty cool even broken. but I can't wait to get them re- finished . And man if you think there heavy now ???? about an extra 110lbs.
  3. Happy New Year Well, I'm a Glazier by trade and seven years ago mirrored a set of La Scalas for a ball room and well last year they moved and I was called to remove and reinstall the forty count five by eight full length mirrors. when the end of removing the wall mirrors I found the La Scalas in the back warehouse sitting in the corner with broken mirrors on the sides of the cabinet. When I asked the owner about them he said I could have them for the taking, So now my question is I'm going to strip them and remirror them both with custom made bevelled edged mirrors. Has anyone ever seen a set of LaScalas mirrored before? and YES they work great!!!!
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