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  1. Well it looks like my purchase is going to be delayed again... car got broken into last night, my deductible is the same cost as a set of 4.1s. I really wanted to get the 4.1s at BestBuy while they had that $50 rebate this month too... I'll be back sometime... don't know when.
  2. Yeah I thought about that, but I figured listening to the speakers side by side would still give me an idea of how they compared directly. I know the store demo speakers are probably old and used all the time, but two out of three ProMedia sets I tried had the static, and the Logitechs didn't. I have $10 speakers and really old stereos that have never done this. I'm just so surprised an excellent set of speakers like the ProMedias commonly have this problem. I'd still like to know if there's something I can do to prevent the static from happening or to repair it once it starts. I think BestBuy has an extended warranty thing... I think I'll ask about that next week.
  3. I went to Best Buy and CompUSA today to listen to the ProMedias and Logitech Z-560s. At Best Buy only the 2.1s were hooked up. I wanted to try the 5.1s but no dice. There were no 4.1s there. 2.1s sounded good at best buy. Over to CompUSA. All their speakers were actually hooked up (imagine that). Tried the 4.1s... major, almost painful static when adjusting the Surround knob. Less significant (but still noticeable) static with the volume knob. Bass knob was good. I liked the sound, but that static really turns me off. Tried the Z-560s then. I liked their control tower but their sound was disappointing. Even at the lowest setting, the sub was overpowering and not as 'musical' as the Klipsch. The Logis did the high frequencies pretty well but it sounded like there were some holes somewhere in the midrange. I wasn't very impressed. I tried the 2.1s there too, and got the same awful static. In addition, both Klipsch boxes at CompUSA were pretty bashed up. I do want the great sound of the Klipschs but I really want to avoid the static! Is there any kind of preventative measures I can take to ensure this doesn't happen to me? Is it just cheap potentiometers in the control pod or what? I'd think after all this time the Klipsch community (if not Klipsch themselves) would have figured out an easy fix for the static.
  4. I'm 21 now. I'm pretty sure I got that stereo when I was 14 or so... give or take a year. My parents gave me an interest free loan and I did a lot of house/yard work to make monthly payments on it. Funny thing when I bought it... I was young and foolish. I picked out the biggest system in the store that had the most bass. That's all I cared about. Heh. I haven't had that many problems with mine. Aside from the amp pops my only other real issue has been the right main speaker cutting out (connection sucks) and when recording a tape it only records onto one channel (the right, I think). Oh, and one of my tweeter centers caved in! Yeah, the rear speakers are pretty useless. Dolby "Pro Logic" isn't that great. I'm using it as a 3.1 system right now. The rears aren't hooked up. HTIB = Home Theater In a Box?
  5. Heh, we have the exact same system. What are the odds? Mine says 541 on the tuner/tape/CD unit, but says 542 on the speakers and 5420 on the sub. My sub has been fine. Frequent use and nothing's blown. I get wierd little amp pops now and then though. What do you think of the sound quality? I used to think it was really good (I got this when I was 14 or so) but I don't like it much after hearing the ProMedias. This Sony can get really loud though. I see we use the same bass/treble settings too. Now that you mention it, I think the sub and main unit do have to be connected. It's been too long since I've been back there... but at least this stereo gives you the option of turning off the sub.
  6. Hey Justin, does yours look anything like this? It's the HCD-541 model. And yes, I'm quite aware my room is a mess. Anyhoo, it would be better to hook up the stereo to my soundcard's input jack than the ProMedias? That would mean my computer would have to be on when I wanted to listen to the radio or CDs. It's not off very often though, I could probably live with that. iDoNtKnOe ] - I'll have to go find the instruction manual for this stereo to see what outputs it has. It's really wedged in there so it'd be hard to check physically. It has inputs galore, but outputs... dunno.
  7. Everyone feel free to laugh if you think I'm nuts. A little history first: I've had my eye on the ProMedias, and heard great things about them, for a couple years now. Originally the v2-400s, now the 4.1s. I'm finally in a position to be able to buy a set. Having recently heard the 4.1s in person, I've come to realize the sound quality of my big Sony stereo is only so-so (and it was $900 8 years ago... yikes!). And it takes up so much space... the two main speakers are 3ft tall. What I want to do is connect the Sony main box (with its 5CD changer, and radio tuner) to the ProMedia 4.1s. I'm no expert on audio hookups so I don't know if this can be done. I assume, if it can, I'd have to find some cable with a single minijack plug on the end that connects to the ProMedias. I have too many darn speakers/stereos as it is. I'd rather just be able to use the ProMedias for everything. Any thoughts?
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