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Joe A

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  1. Thanks guys. I'll look more closley to see if I can just apply some glue to keep the dust out. They are pretty clean cuts and they are just in the dust cap. I appreciate your help! Joe
  2. Howdy folks, I've owned a pair of walnut Fortes for around 15 years. I really like them and I'm thinking of upgrading my ancient home theater equipment but keeping the Fortes. While moving them recently I noticed the center circle (not the cone) in the passive radiator hand a couple of approx. 1 inch cuts in them. Probably my cats scratching them. I've never noticed a buzz but thought I'd try to find replacement radiators while I'm upgrading the rest of the components. Does anyone know of a good source for a proper replacement? They are Forte I's with 12" radiators. I live in Rochester NY. Thanks for your help. Joe
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