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Posts posted by cybergeek

  1. " I used Reagan, Bush because they, in particular made a big deal about raising

    defensive budgets. Apparently, we got nothing for that money."

    What an absolutely moronic statement which could only come from another of what i call the "Kumbya Delusionists".

    Reagan ended the Cold War by bankrupting the Soviet Union with the arms race. Either this guy is only 10 years old or he's totally biased and ignorant. No wonder that while Reagan drove the Soviets into oblivion the Dems like Al Gore were pushing for appeasment with SALT.

    The Liberals protested and The Gulf war ended certain disaster for the region and the world.

    The Liberals made the same doomsday predictions even before Afghanistan. Again, they are reduced to sniffling, mubbling ninnies.

    I've come to the conclusions that only politics and the Liberal Press can be responsible for such levels of despondency. The Liberals here have covered every irrational Liberal talking point over and over.

    President Bush stated the use of force against Iraq as a solution for their compliance in his 1999-2000 Presidential campaign platform.

    He CHANGED US policy so that any country that actively supports terrorism is an enemy and will be dealt with the same as the terrorists themselves. This was voted into law following 9-11-01. This would not have happened with either a Clinton or Gore Admin.

    Liberal Pacifists EXPECT the US to protect them from another massive terrorist attack, but don't want it to be the slightest bit messy. But the only way to ensure this is to stop the WMD from getting into the hands of terrorists and take them from Terrorist regimes.

    Anyone who denies that Iraq doesn't have an arsenal of WMD is a liar or a fool. Anyone that thinks that Iraq DOES NOT actively support terrorism is a LIAR or a FOOL. Anyone that thinks its NOT a matter of IF, but WHEN Iraq attacks us, is a LIAR or a FOOL.

    President Bush is only taking on the policy action which should have been done during the Clinton Administration. It's enough of a tragedy that this country has and will suffer from his lax policy of reactionism and appeasement during his 8 years in office. It's only salt on this wound that his political croanies still continue with his New Socialist Liberal, "politically correct" way of thinking.

    This is not about specific diversions the Liberal Pacifists love to spout off but cannot defend against logic and reason. Their "Kumbya Delusionist" way of thinking is not logical thinking. It is IDEALOGY as in NeveNever Land. It has been proven the absolute wrong weapon against Psychopathic Idealistic Maniacs throughout history.

    The only way the Liberals and other misguided will see their "smoking guns" will be when the WMD are uncovered by our military. The only way that might be avoided is to back the threat of force. Unfortunately, as with the Cold War, the Gulf War, and Afghanistan, they will only see the light after the fact. And then quickly forget.

    Always a new political front for the Liberals and misguided. Time for the next lesson.

  2. Think about this at the very least. George W. Bush is bringing the problem to the forefront. He's a great American and too many don't recognize that anymore. In a few weeks I'll be laughing in the face of the naysayers. Mark my words. You are wrong and America is right. We shall soon see. Get ready to Spin Liberal traitors.

  3. Stand proud Americans. Here's what a rational Canadian writes.


    This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.

    America: The Good Neighbor.

    Widespread but only partial news coverage was given

    recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from

    Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television

    Commentator. What follows is the full text of his

    trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:

    "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the

    Americans as the most generous and possibly the

    least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany,

    Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy

    were lifted out of the debris of war by the

    Americans who poured in billions of dollars and

    forgave other billions in debts.

    None of these countries is today paying even the

    interest on its remaining debts to the United

    States. When France was in danger of collapsing in

    1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and

    their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the

    streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

    When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the

    United States that hurries in to help. This spring,

    59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes.

    Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman

    Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged

    countries. Now newspapers in those countries are

    writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

    I'd like to see just one of those countries that is

    gloating over the erosion of the United States

    dollar build its own airplane. Does any other

    country in the world have a plane to equal the

    Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the

    Douglas DC10?

    If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the

    International lines except Russia fly American

    Planes? Why does no other land on earth even

    consider putting a man or woman on the moon?

    When the railways of France, Germany and India were

    breaking down through age, it was the Americans who

    rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the

    New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an

    old caboose. Both are still broke.

    I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced

    to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name

    me even one time when someone else raced to the

    Americans in trouble? I don't think there was

    outside help even during the San Francisco


    Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one

    Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get

    kicked around. They will come out of this thing

    with their flag high. And when they do, they are

    entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are

    gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada

    is not one of those."

    Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!! "

  4. Neither Liberals nor religious fanatical terrorists use reason. Both are consistently at a loss for facts and logic to support their beliefs.

    The difference is in who guides their thoughts. For the radical terrorists it is their God. For the radical Liberals it is their Party & the hope for an ideal State. That is their God, and it comes before country and all else.

  5. "(CNSNews.com) -- Law enforcement officials have confirmed to the New York Post that up to 19 men of Islamic background have illegally entered the United States in the last few days to plot a possible terror mission. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has already posted mugshots of five of the men who are wanted for questioning. However, those five and the remaining 14 are believed to have use phony ID's to enter the U.S. from Canada by way of Britain. No specific target has been determined and the motive of the men is unclear to officials. Law enforcement sources told the Post that the men are believed to be scattered through several U.S. cities, including New York with a rendezvous planned somewhere in the country on Monday. Currently, the FBI, New York Police Department, Immigration and Naturalization Services, U.S. Customs Service and Transportation Security Agency are searching for the men believed to hail from Pakistan and "surrounding countries."

    Have a Happy and Safe New Year! Despite our so-called allies like Pakistan, Saudi & Canada that have lame policy for fighting terrorism.

  6. Try all songs by Rocco Gotti.

    It's quite obvious on this forum and really pathetic that American and Canadian socialist liberal democrats are so clueless and desperate that they have to resort to continuously forcing their opinions on a bulletin board created for the discussion of topics related to audio and electronics.

    No coincidence that it's the Liberals that start it on this board every time. LOL

  7. Prod, Have you come across a religious fanatic before? One that tried to convert you into either accepting Jesus into your heart or else you'll go to hell? Combine that with a serial murderer who is more than willing to send you to hell, and you have a religious fanatic terrorist.

    It's about idealogy. They think by revelation, not by reason. Everthing happens because of God and God tells them what to do. You might imagine the problems in our real world there. But then again, you think similar. By idealogy. Tends to defy common sense and reason. Or maybe you simply haven't released any facts, logic, or reason on us yet. LOL Talk to Kain. He'll give you some insight, though he's only a moderate muslim i believe.

    And, our very existence and freedoms are not only a threat to their society, but a call from god for our extermination. Bases in Saudi and the phlight of the Palestinians are simply cover and excuses. Arafat denounces Al Qaeda and wants nothing to do with them.

    And it's not predominately that the radical muslims are jealous of America. They hate small democratic countries just the same. They fear that our very existence and ways of life are a temptation. Democracy is a threat to a totalitarian state and to religious fundamentalism.

    How many Islamic democracies can you name? Radical or Fundamentalist Islam is not open to freedom of religion. No state run by religion is open to democracy. How do you force feed religion on the citizens if they have freedom of religion? LOL

    So can you imagine how much a threat a democracy, with all its freedoms, is to an islamic fundamentalist totalitarian society? And how much a threat America is with it successes and offerings of freedoms such as freedom of religion?

    OBL has, or had, one main objective. The destruction of the U.S., as with what happened to the Soviet Union. He thinks he caused that, but he's wrong. The success of democracy and the failure of totalitarianism is what caused the breakup of the Soviet Union.

    So that's why I ask you and yours how it feels to be a tool of terrorists. Because that's exactly what you are whether you are willing or not. Al Qaeda is counting on you to divide the country,

    allow it to become weak and vulnerable, and bring about its downfall. Democracy has the seeds of its own destruction and if you look in a mirror you'll see it.

    Look at yourself. Without any word against terrorism, which is PREMEDITATED WITH INTENT MURDER of innocent women and children, you instead blame America and justify terrorism. You need to wake up and realize the Liberal politicians that are brainwashing you don't care about the country as much as they do politics and opposing anything proactive this GOP administration tries to do.

    Slick Clinton played games for 8 years and let this Al Qaeda threat magnify. This is serious business now. Not time for politics and playing 60s liberal war protestor, no matter how romantic it seems to you.

    If we don't cut off these nuclear, biological, chemical means of mass destruction from their sources in a proactive manner, it's only a matter of time until thousands or millions more of us are killed in short order. That's why those that have the information, intelligence and vision are making the decisions, and naive fools like you and yours are practicing being devil's advocate on audio bulletin boards. I don't intend that as an insult, but a clear and present fact.

    So how does it feel to be on the side of terrorists? Whether you're conscious of your terrorist collaboration or not, it's still a fact that you support their objectives. But you are too naive to know that these objectives lead to their ultimate mission of the destruction of you, me and our country. And the only thing that will stop them is the destruction of Al Qaeda and any other conspiracy like them.

  8. ----------------

    On 12/14/2002 12:45:33 PM sj993 wrote:

    A feasible proactive strategy? That being to go into the Middle East and kill everybody? That's your strategy? You think by going in there and taking everyone that it will stop terrorism? Think again, all you will do is invite more terrorism and more bloodshed. It isn't like there is unilateral support for the United States to go into Iraq in the first place. I agree Saddam has to go, but this isn't the way to go about it. Especially when you don't have support of the rest of the region to begin with.


    SJ, so you do think there exists a deterrent to terrorists such as Al Qaeda and Saddam other than force. Then we must agree to disagree because obviously I think you, Prod and the likes are truely blinded by ignorance.

    Who said "taking everyone"? Certainly not me. Does not jumping to such extremes make you in fact the extremist?

    And again with the "Unilateral". It's a dynamic situation so who knows what will happen and who will be for us or against us. You talk as though the US has already started a major military offensive against Iraq and on its own.

    You are wrong on both counts. The US already has the UK with us. Note "unilateral" implies ONE country. And at this point all W Bush and the US has done is allowed for the inspectors to return to Iraq. Something that would not have happened without the threat of force. But you and the liberals were fighting this progress all the way.

    Terrorists are smart enough to manipulate politics and utilize the seeds of destruction that exists in all democracies. Has it ever occurred to you that, by way of the Liberal media, you are a tool of terrorists?

  9. Finster, Great example. It shows how biased CNN, the mainstream media, and their hardcore followers really are.

    They absorb the Liberal muck with no critical thought process, then as programmed oppose any rational solutions. Naturally they see a neutral reporting source such as Fox News as far right. Only because they've been brainwashed so far left. LOL

  10. SJ: "and since you already know my opinions from the previous 13 pages I will just leave it at that."

    Your opinions? LOL Why is it that you and the other naive ones happen to have the exact same opinions and excuses of the Liberal press? Sheer coincidence that you and yours parrot the mainstream media which we all know is Liberal to the core?

    What strategy should be employed to guarentee that we don't have another catastrophic attack from well equipped terrorists to which there is no deterrent? Like the Liberal media you are full of criticism with no reasonable and sound alternative solutions.

    Terrorists such as Al Qaeda have NO detterent. Think about that and please provide a feasible proactive strategy.

  11. Ranger nice try. But as is constantly obvious, Liberals do nothing but critisize ideas while never having a logical and reasonable remedy of their own. In fact thats what best defines these Liberals of today. Most intelligent people never critisize unless they have a better solution. Liberals use critisism as their solution.

    Nice ostrich graphic too except i believe Prod has his head elsewhere. Prod, your proctologist called and said he found your head. 9.gif

  12. How about Oh Canada?, since that is sure to be the future terrorist launching pad. Socialist Liberal crap runs both directions in Canada. No wonder those on here always seem to take the Liberal side.

    "The Washington Times reported last week that anti-terror agencies are concerned about the

    presence of Hezbollah in Canada. America's northern neighbor, they believe, is a "stronghold" for the Islamic terrorist group that is responsible for more than 300 American deaths, including the 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut.

    Unbelievably, Hezbollah is not banned in Canada. The Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chretien refuses to proscribe this murderous organization because it does social work among Lebanon's poor and has representatives in that country's legislative assembly.

    As a result of this disgraceful piece of Liberal generosity, Hezbollah has been able to use Canadian territory for ten years to recruit, launder money, raise funds, forge documents and purchase military-related equipment for use in attacks on Israel."

  13. ----------------

    On 12/5/2002 6:21:20 PM HDBRbuilder wrote:

    I have worked with lots of soldiers...over the course of over three decades, now...and only the ones who are looney as hell...brag about what they did or saw at those times. Then again, there are those who never really did or saw anything...and they make themselves out to be heroes. Which of these two categories do YOU belong in, Forrest???

    Have a nice day!


    well given the fact that you have bragged about your service continuously on this board and I believe you, it looks like you're calling yourself a looney. 2.gif i recall forrest never bringing up his service unless he's unjustly accused of never being a soldier, as I've seen you and others do throughout this discussion. so it seems those of you self-righteous sorts here need to look in a mirror.

    as for this iraq discussion its quite simple. ignore the weak minded protests coming from those who know no better and let those mother f*ckers with laundry on their heads know its wash day and we have the machine. 2.gif

  14. "You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to

    have their fair

    say." -President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993 "

    ""If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's

    ability to govern the

    people, we should look to limit those guarantees."

    William Jefferson Clinton (Aug 12, 1993)"

    ""The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people" -President Bill Clinton,


    interview, 1993"

    "In this present crisis, government is

    not the solution to our problem;

    government is the problem. From

    time to time we've been tempted to

    believe that society has become

    too complex to be managed by

    self-rule, that government by an

    elite group is superior to

    government for, by, and of the

    people. Well, if no one among us

    is capable of governing himself,

    then who among us has the

    capacity to govern someone else?

    All of us together, in and out of

    government, must bear the burden.

    The solutions we seek must be

    equitable, with no one group

    singled out to pay a higher price."

    Ronald Reagan

    So it comes down to which party strives for more Government control of our finances and lives. And how many Americans really do want this control, and know it comes with a huge cost for all of us.



    live long & prosper

  15. Meet the new right you Libbies. The Liberals' own irrational ways and tactics created us. Anyone can go back and see the word games, irrelevancies, and lack of rational thought from your side. Your obvious desperation on this Audio board only proves it.

    If you want proof of a reasonable attempt to discuss the relavent data, you only have to look back. You'll see that MD does not address the valid points directly and with reason, only idealology, irrelevacies, and spin.

    My case has already been made. MD can answer his own ignorant political questions as he will eventually have to do anyway. You see, he thinks he's a grassroots activist. This is sad indeed. LOL


    live long & prosper

  16. When reading anything these "progressives" write on this thread, keep in mind these words from their true leader of the New Demoncrat Socialist Party:

    ""You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair

    say." -President Bill Clinton, May 28, 1993 "

    ""If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government's ability to govern the

    people, we should look to limit those guarantees."

    William Jefferson Clinton (Aug 12, 1993)"

    ""The purpose of government is to rein in the rights of the people" -President Bill Clinton, MTV

    interview, 1993"

    And the best place to start to realize those goals is a 100% income tax, right Libbies?

    I see Crash Test Dummy uses the same ridiculous reason for the economic slow down as one could find on the web sites of the likes of Al Frankin and Carville. Yet he accuses others of being led by the lunatic fringe? Forrest is right. Hypocracy at its peak there.

    Funny thing is what we mention about the economy and markets is documented fact. Yet we don't hear it hardly at all from the mainstream media. They certainly don't draw the same political conclusions as we do although they are so obvious. Wonder why. We certainly can't be accused of echoing the media. If we echoed the media we'd be Liberal.

    Keep that in mind people. It is still a liberal dominated media engrained into Americana. Those on the right have to use their own brains. Of course this makes the Liberals go rabid because they think they have a big secret amoungst themselves. But the people know or are finding out more and thinking more everyday.

    This Democratic party is on its way out. If anyone stole anything it was Tom Dasher taking control of the Senate by defection. The Liberals are desperate as we can so clearly see here. Good luck Libbies. You'll most certainly need it. LOL


    live long & prosper

  17. MD,

    You're right. It takes common sense to use dynamic analysis. Common sense and math doesn't fit into Liberalism. Idealism rules the day in Liberalism. The more you go on the more you prove this point. Anyone can go back and see you have an absolute aversion to any arguments of analytical reasoning. You counter it everytime with idealism and/or you change the topic or direction.

    That's fine. That's what Liberals need to do to buy time. If you were to get into an analytical argument of cause and effect, you would lose everytime. Politics to the New Liberals is a mindgame that unfortunately affects peoples lives.

    It will be proven that Slick Clinton was the worst President in the history of the US only more and more over time. He misled many to think that the GOV has control of their lives and that they should have more control of our lives. His true legacy of deception to the US people has not stood and will not stand.

    Now go on with your spingame. You have already proven you can only argue in a metaphysical sense, and not in the absolute. Your "practical" examples are only diversionary and emotional sales talk. And we know what you're selling and its all political. Wink.gif


    live long & prosper

  18. Like I said MD, you wouldn't know if I told you. Common sense and reasoning doesn't fit in your Liberal agenda. You've said proven quite well to anyone but a rabid Liberal that you have a political agenda here and

    you're incapable of discussing both sides of an issue.

    No, being an American and the patriotic ramblings are not the other side. Merely a political device for you.

    Just keep talking to yourself. I know in my heart you'll be completely wrong on how things will be done and how things will be. Your desperation here only proves it. Wink.gif


    live long & prosper

  19. First MD dictates the discussion is about "civil responsibility" and now its "about the economy". LOL The largest Irony i've experienced in politics was Clinton's marketing slogan "Its the economy stupid". When the fact is Liberals are the most ignorant of the economy to begin with.

    Now politics are their forte. And MD can continue his display of the ignorant, static Liberal view of economics and business until he's blue in the face. Only deadbeats like Liberals have the time to do it. Hee-hee

    A hint for the anti-Liberals. We're now in a slow, disinflationary economy thanks to the Clinton recession. Use a little dynamic analysis and reasoning

    and you'll blow MD away. When the economy picks up again as it always does DESPITE Gov/Political interference, then go to the static analysis the Liberals are using now. Wink.gif


    live long & prosper

  20. Ahh yes and Cortex Clipped. Forgot about the Liberal runt because he doesn't contribute anything our real world discussion except his little canned quips.

    Speaking of abortion as he loves to do, he's apparently the product of a failed attempt at this procedure. The best part of him ran down his Mama's leg. LOL


    live long & prosper

  21. Crash Dummy, you really are an ignorant ****. You think you're more in the know because you read Al Gore's web site AND listen to Rush. You still need some common sense though fella.

    I'll just let you and Larry the Mod Liberals go against MD the Marxist Liberal, and continue to laugh my *** off.


    live long & prosper

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