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  1. I'm looking to upgrade my speakers and due to the constraints of my home entertainment center and room layout I need to go the bookshelf route. I'd like to go with the RB81s but the RC62 is about an inch too wide to fit into my entertainment niche. I realize that the RC62 is the center for the RB81 and the RC52 is the center for the RB61, but would it kill the sound stage to use an RC52 with the RB81s? Would they be timbre matched? Of course I could go with the RB61s but like the RB81s better.
  2. I had my family room setup with a pair of KG4.5s for the front, KV3 for the center, a pair of in ceiling Klipsch speakers who's model escapes me (I'm posting this from work), and an SW-12 II subwoofer. I had a Pioneer Elite TSX-26 driving the system and a 46" rear projection TV. The speakers are obviously older, but I have been happy with the sound from them. I use it mostly for home theatre and occasional music. Everything fit perfectly into a media niche and life was good. Then the TV died and has started a chain reaction. I replaced the dead TV with a 52" Sony XBR4. Now the KG4.5s don't fit in the media niche with the TV. I had a pair of older KG1.5s that at one time were my surround sound speakers so I have temporarily stuck them in the niche for my mains. Of course nothing I had would feed an HDMI source on my TV so I replaced the Pioneer Elite receiver with an Onkyo 805. I also picked up an HD-DVD player (a month before they folded - argh!) and hooked up my cable box through the receiver. Soon I'll add a PS3 to the mix for BluRay. Anyway, the KG1.5's need to be replaced but I have killed the space in the media niche with the bigger TV. I now need to go with bookshelf speakers. I was looking at the RB61, or 81s for the main speakers. A local store carries the RB51 and 61, but nobody near me carries the 81s. What are peoples thoughts on those? What about the center speaker? Does a KV3 have a similar sound to the RBs? Or should I replace it with a an RC-52 (an RC-62 won't fit in the media niche)? I'd appreciate any feedback you might have.
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