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Everything posted by headonist

  1. I live in southern Sweden, a couple of audiophiles around here I guess, but can't say I know any with Klipsch speakers. Could be possible to borrow something from a dealer though, just not sure where to start. But maybe Marantz could be worth checking out then. Thanks for the help.
  2. What electronics do you use? I'm wondering cause I need some ideas of new electronics, I don't get that live-feeling that I want with my Rega equpiment. It's quite soft/laidback, but not very realistic sound to me. My speakers are currently RF82.
  3. I don't have that particular set-up, but I will be using RF82 with Cursa3+Maia3 once I have bought the RF82's. For the moment using Quad 12L as speakers. So my post is pretty much useless at the moment, but I will hopefully be able to provide some feedback at a later point.
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