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  1. Hi Wrinkles, I had a similar problem with my daughter's boyfriend's truck on my driveway in front of my house! The kids truck dumped a pile of oil that was about 1' x 2' by the time it had settled! First I tried pressure washing, but I couldn't even get up half of the stain before I could see I was damaging my concrete (washing away the cement!!). Anyway, at that point I went to the web, and found a really cool product that surprisingly got rid of the whole stain. It was called Eximo concrete cleaner, and is designed to get oil stains (and I guess other petroleum stains) from concrete. The website says it uses a natural process to breakdown the oil, but all I can say is the stuff worked! All you do is sweep on the product (really fine powder) and leave it there, and it just does its thing over a week or so. I definately recommend it! I wasn't able to find it at a store near me, but I contacted the manufacture CAF (www.mycaf.com) and they were really good about getting some shipped to me. Good luck to anyone else who has this problem!
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