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Posts posted by fourwindz

  1. i had posted and thank you for the tips on getting covers for my speakers, after looking into it my speakers i got from the pawn shop are heresy 1's and i understand they have the nickle plated tweeters, i dont know much about the speakers other then they could use some sanding and my wife wants a black stain on them to match the living room, they sound good and i used them one time one my surround sound and they performed real well, i took them in to see about getting them sanded and stained at a local store and the price for that was to high for me. what dont know is if there is a certain value to these speakers, the store had offered me 600.00 in trade in on them and i have no knowledge of what they might be worth, thanks fourwindz

  2. I have a set of lascallas and a set of heresys and both pair are in need of covers, does anyone know how i might get them replaced or any ideas, the heresys are a set i bought at a loan store and the lascallas my grand kids wrote on them with marking pens, i would like to get them both dressed back up again, thanks fourwindz

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