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Everything posted by sojodave

  1. When I got my sub10 subwoofer, I was giddy as a school girl. But, in June, I was horrified when my beautiful blue light was no more. I took it apart and there was nothing obvious. I called Klipsch and told them my sad tale and they said it would be $60 to get it fixed. I sent the amp off to Klipsch and waited with baited breathe. When I got it back, I had a constant hummmmmm. I called Klipsch and told them my story and they said they would send another amp. Third amp worked like a champ for two months and then the dreaded light went out. Three amps in a short time is too much to handle. I had the amp plugged into a surge protector. Do I need to get a power conditioner? I have a home that was built 5 years ago, I can't imagine what else I am doing to make my amps go so quickly. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions.
  2. I sent my amp into Klipsch and got a replacement amp after 10 days. I am excited to have a sub again and I don't want to blow this amp. Does anyone know if you have to break in a new sub amp? Does anyone know what to set the low-pass at. I have my speakers crossed over at 80 Hz should my low-pass on the sub be at 80 or 120?
  3. Same thing happened to me. Three things to try, first, get a new fuse. Second, push the fuse plug in next to the powercord and see if that makes a difference. Third, unscrew the amp and see if anything is loose. You can also post a photo of the amp on this forum and see if anyone can spot a problem. I sent mine in for repairs to Klipsch.
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