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Everything posted by Bacek

  1. Hi, What are the specs for k-23? I cannot find them anywhere.
  2. colterphoto1> What are your impressions afrer replacement? Sound is the same or diffrent?
  3. Is it still needed with new titanium diaphragms which are smoother?
  4. Hello, What is the purpose of resistor in tweeter circuit? It is parallel so should not change tweeters efficiency.
  5. Titanium is definitely an improvement. Just mounted the diaphragms. Metal instruments and guitars sounds more real. Mids and highs are richer. Thank you Bob.
  6. Thank you all for the informations, I have checked them more carefully. They have damping material on the back and are not as black as I thought previously. But they are more black than yellowish. So they seem to be original. Any way I have already ordered titanium version from Bob.
  7. So if mine are black they are not phenolic but poly?
  8. Hello, How does look original diaphragmfrok K-7 tweeter? I don't know if my is original or replacement. It looks black. Klipsch site states that it should be Phenolic. Where they realy black? http://www.klipsch.com/products/details/forte.aspx
  9. Painting woofers it is a bad idea. You have changed weight of the cones. As a result you have decrased woofers efficiency and changed few other parameters. So they will sound diffrent way, most probably worse.
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