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  1. I learned a few things since starting this thread a week or so ago, particularly from that Crutchfield site tommyboy mentioned, where a lot of their personal hands on experience with each receiver is written. Though I was looking for "no frills" receiver, those same receivers require audio cables on top of the HDMI cable I already have. I don't care for that too much. The Onkyo 606 Fish mentioned, though, ain't a bad piece of hardware. Though a little more than I was looking to spend, it looks somewhat "future proof," so I'm thinking of going with it. And the reviews on Crutchfield aren't too shabby either. Thanks for the help, folks.
  2. Hello! I sifted through the forums, and I couldn't find anything that answers my questions, so I apologize if this has been asked several times already. Currently, I have a DVD player connecting to my HDTV via HDMI. Before I quit Best Buy, I picked up a pair of F-3's. Since my current apartment is too small, I've left them in storage for the past year or so. However, I'm moving and I'll finally be able to put these speakers to use. Yay! I'm also going to split the costs of a PS3 with my roommate. So, obviously I need a receiver to connect everything together. I'm not looking to buy additional speakers any time soon. I have no need for satellite radio functions, etc. The cheaper the better; I'll splurge on a superstar receiver when I feel like upgrading my home theater setup, which I don't see happening for a few years. I found a couple receivers that look like they could do the job, but I'm completely confused by the whole "HDMI pass through" thing. If all I'm looking to do is connect two HDMI devices to a receiver, which then connects to my TV via HDMI (and send the audio to the F-3's of course), does a receiver that passes through really mean anything to me? I'd rather not buy extra cables for audio if I don't have to, though I do have to pick up some speaker cables anyway. I see a lot of recommendations for the Yamaha RX-V663, and it looks like it can easily handle my simple setup. I don't need everything the 663 can do, though... could I get away with buying a RX-V363? Does H/K, Denon, or the others make something that would better fit my simple requirements without all of the extras? Thanks!
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