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  1. I can imagine those sound excellent. I know the reason my sub sounds as good as it does is because of the smaller drivers being well powered, for good response. I even had a great install of 6.5inch subs (hey, JL calls them subs. They make good bass, I will roll with it.) in my camaro, because the factory woofer space in the upmarket stereo setup had good sound (aluminum box? Magico or whatnot swears by them). People swore I had at least a 10" in the trunk, but wanted to know why it hit everything so crisply. I think i would only go larger than 8" if I had a setup like yours, with the LCRs taking care of those ranges (with 8"s or 6"s so the sub can do what it is supposed to: destroy your foundation. Ah, had you wrote it iFi, it may have clicked. I was thinking it was an acronym or abbreviation. I actually have a Room Groove, and the newer one (with the wireless capability) partially because my silver original was a somewhat poor refurb, and partially because that way I can use the input to route AirTunes from my computer to whatever remote location the unit is set up in... Redundant, but K has not yet provided a transmitter only SKU, so hey. Oh, and always feel free to correct me if I am wrong, it is a habit.
  2. Forgive me -- IFI? Also, it was just an offhand suggestion. Also, by small, I meant relative to the speakers hooked up to my Technics SA-5270 upstairs. (The ones with the logo I can not decipher.... JLS? Remind me to post a picture sometime) Those are are what i consider a "large" speaker, seeing as they are bigger than my LCD. Or if you prefer, it is small if i can pick it up and bludgeon potential robbers to death with it without too much effort. Basically: cat seat = large , impromptu hat hanger = small. I looked the size difference in woofers between the two and calculated rough overall size from that. Thank you again for your continued correspondence!
  3. Thank you for the prompt reply. That would be then with an RCX-4 Center Channel then, correct? I had looked at these previously. From a visual standpoint, they are quite similar to my current speakers. It would be nice to see the sub with a redesigned amp (and perhaps more output wattage) paired with a set of these for a robust, lower price (likely 1250$~1500$ range) system.
  4. If you do not mind keeping your CD audio in lossless format (ogg, flac, alac, et cetera) there are a number of solutions for your problem. In my opinion keeping the media in a bit for bit copy produces the same sound as an already digital CD, but depending on your equipment and mentality, you may disagree. So I write this for those who would will take it. Once you are running your audio through an intelligent system, as opposed to a "dumb" receiver (i.e. one that can not differentiate between tracks in any meaningful manner) you have many more options to combat this problem. One are solutions such as ReplayGain, which encode into the "tag" EQ settings so that upon next replay of the song, the program utilizing the approach will change their output to your last settings. These, being saved in the audio file, are kept even if the program goes kaput. Farther down the line, we have programs that can memorize in a database settings. And farther down the line you have the approach used by radio stations, which involves actively modifying the sound on a song-by-song basis to be equivalent to every other song. These can be had in a software/internal hardware/breakout box format, depending on who you are, how much money you can throw at it, and how hard you look. Just a few cents from me. My personal solution? Walk around with the remote. But I am a lazy, albeit wandering, scribe.
  5. Grab yourself a RCA to headphone-jack adapter and use the line-in on your control box! Then enjoy!
  6. Excellent article, Dr. I feel smarter for just reading it. Then there is the matter of your comment: "Toole is amazing, lol." XD
  7. I have a PM Ultra 5.1 system, with, contrary to what seems to be the norm, a perfect, functional amp. I love the subwoofer in this system dearly. However, I have no such attachment to the "5" part of the "5.1". After four - or is it five (six now? I bought them when the system first launched) - years of being moved around, exposed to temperature and humidity no speaker should ever have to deal with, falling off their stands and just in general being abused, they have given me good service, and are ready to be retired. My question is, what best pairs with the PM's Sub? If you need a refresher on the specs, http://www.klipsch.com/products/details/promedia-ultra-5-1.aspx is your answer. I am more than open to replacing piece by piece the current satellites, although I realize this may be less than ideal. I just ask that each pair of speakers stay reasonably priced. I decline to give a specific dollar amount, because I am interested in the community response and justification for each selection. Also keep in mind that I fully intend to upgrade from the built-in amp in the future, and that I am alright with it under-powering the others, as I will not be able to crank them any time in the near future. As always, I thank any and all responses for their time and consideration, which I always try my best to repay in kind.
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