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Posts posted by KlipschKid

  1. Sabona is a three year old Aussie. He is having some serious issues adapting to his new sub. It weighs twice as much as him. He spent 10 minutes watching Planet of the Apes last night. I Watched new U2 DVD last night and it instantly became my favorite. Do yourself a favor and by it now.

    Oh, and the video on the pics is the classic "Caddy Shack"!

  2. The RSW 15 sounds as awsome as it looks. Had some friends ovver to watch Planet of the Apes and they were blown away. A sub like this in the wrong hands could be dangerous. Not meant to be used inside city limits. Have yet to push this sub more than half. So far only one neighbor is pissed about his windows shaking.


  3. Sabona, Lacy Underalls, and a Raw HT Set Up. Once I set everything up and turned it on I just couldn't get off the couch. Sounds amazzzzing. Still have to figure out how to make Pronto user friendly.






    Onkyo DS787

    Sony DVP-S570D DVD

    JVC HR-J610 VHS

    Philips Pronto Universal Remote

  4. OK Clones I have made you wait long enough. Here are some pics. I have to tell you that anyone looking into buying this should have a minimun of 4 acres. The first night I put on Clapton's 24 nights. Not even half the Subs volume and it was enough to get my neighbor out of bed. I felt like telling him to get a new set of windows if they rattle but thought better. Ill post more latter!


  5. Whoa! "Forget the tools Spicoli, my Dad's system Rocks."

    First of all, let me tell you that I am new to the audiophile scene, but this completes my system.

    Watched "Swordfish" this past weekend as an initial trial and was totally impressed. I have read some negative reviews on this website regarding Klipsh Subs and I am glad to say that I have nothing but accolades to add about this awesome sub. Yes it is twice as big as my pooch, but it is something you have to grow into. My wife could not believe the way the couch shook during "The Matrix" (I could not help but think about the scene in Howard Stern's Private Parts when she said that).

    The only thing that I am afriad of is that my dog may need some psychological help!!!

    All kidding aside, this monster makes my system an absolute terror.

    Awaiting a digital camera, should have pics by Friday.




    RC7 (rear)


    Onkyo DS 787

    Sony DVP S570D

    Sony 35 inch TV

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