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Cory Riches

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  1. I have a set of the La scala pro industrial that sound excellent, but I am impressed that 9 full range drivers can sound as good as they do. I think the bose 901 is neat. I have been a Klipsch folded horn speaker for 30 years and love showing them off with their clarity at high volumes. Cory
  2. Can someone give me advice with my bose 901 speakers? I have a set of bose 901 series IV. I have refoamed them and when I play them, they rattle. At first I thought I did a poor foam job and that was the cause, so I replaced the driver that I heard the rattle from and it was the same. After I listened to them I figured that the plastic was vibrating so I pressed on the plastic and it stopped. I need advice on how to stop the vibrating. Thank you Cory
  3. I checked out my K-43 and it is seized and does not move. Does anyone have a K-43 woofer for sale or can someone please let me know how I can get a new cone kit. I bought a set of split la scala's and one woofer is toast and someone hooked up the tweeters wrong and wired over the fuses. I have everything done but the woofer. Thank you Klipsch members Cory
  4. I bought a pair of La scala industrial split cabinets for $600.00. The cabinets are in very good condition. Whoever owned them had problems with them. When I first hooked them up, nothing but the mids worked. I opened the tops and found that the tweeters were hooked up wrong. I replaced the fuse holders and now everything works except one woofer. I can hear it but it has no drive to it. I opened the bottom and hooked it up directly with the same result. I need help to know how to test the woofer so I know if it is blown, and if it is blown, I need advice on my options to repair or replace the K43 woofer. I have owned many la scala's including the industrial one piece and have played them really loud and DJ ed, and have never had a problem. How could this woofer get blown? I appreciate any feedback and thank everyone for responding to my previous questions. Everyone has been very helpful. Thank you Cory
  5. Thank you Tom, My total cost in this project will be $30.00. I bought a set of home made speakers and I believe the drivers are good ones. I am getting the plywood for free as a friend I work for was throwing away ¾” maple plywood remnants that are mint. I Have an idea about the nose angle. I may make a fixture that will allow me to cut the angles in an upright position, and clamping the piece being cut to another piece in case the sharp edge creates a problem. I do hope the woofer sounds good. If it does not, then I will look for some K33 or K43 woofers. I an debating on the finish. I may leave the maple, or I may paint them white if I can do a good with a high finish. Once again, I thank you and the other members for your suggestions and I will keep this project progress posted. Cory
  6. I am new here and have some questions about la scala's and what kind of audio people are using to run them. I have had four sets of the la scala's , one set were the industrials one piece cabinet and I am getting my first set of splits. I remember my first set. My friend worked at a stereo store that had a used pair of industrial la scala's for $1500.00 in 1984. I was afraid to spend that kind of money as I was only 18. My friend swore that these were the best thing for me to DJ with. I borrowed my friends carver M1.5 and C1 to DJ with and I have been a devoted klipsch fan ever since. I have tried Bryston 4B, Parasound 1202, Ashley FET500, Luxman L-580 and now have a carver PM1.5. I always like using amps with more power than I need so I don't push the amp and so I don't clip them as well. I don't listen to my music at high volumes too often, but sometimes I do, especially when someone wants to experience the klipsch in action. I recently picked up a passive 12" cerwin vega sub and added it to the la scala's and I like it. I find in my room it compliments the lower end. Cory
  7. Thank you for responding and the information. I just joined to see if I could get any help, and I did. Thank you very much Cory
  8. I want to make my own set of la scala's. I am curious about making them out of MDF or plywood. My concern with the MDF is its durability. I am afraid of the cabinets staying together and if water were to ever get in contact with them. I picked up some large home made speakers at a garage sale for $30.00. They sound good, but I have always wanted to make my own La scala's. I just sold my fourth set and I am getting some industrial splits next week. The speaker parts I will use are 15" Gauss woofer, Large Celestion horn Mids and K 77 tweeters. I will probably use the homemade cross overs too. I am also unsure how to assemble the cabinets, glue, screw, nail. I also want to build the bottoms and make a wire frame to hold the mid and tweeter. I am open to suggestions. Cory
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