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  1. Thanks Matt, The fact that I have seen so many issues with this speaker and that Klipsch could tell you how much it was going to be without even seeing the panel smells fishy. When I initially googled my issue there seemed to be an aweful lot of folks out there with the same problem with this speaker. Sounds to me like it must be a real design flaw in this line of Subs. I can't really imagine they would have the same issue with so many of their subs out there and suggest it was anything but that. I'm not a huge audiophile by any stretch but amazingly after buying my first system over 40 years ago I have never had a speaker panel to blow on me. I don't ever push the sound levels and actually I have only turned it on a couple dozen times. I would appeciate anyone at Klipsch offering me insight into why such a well built speaker would have such a common problem and ongoing problem and feel good about charging customers $120 to fix a problem that appears from all accounts to be a design flaw. I have had my Sub for over 3 years and certainly outside of the manufactures warranty but I can't imagine Klipsch can in good conscience would charge anything more than the shipping costs to fix these flawed panels. After all isn't the purpose of the fuse to protect the speaker from damage? HMMM....
  2. Newby here, My RW-12d won't power up. So first things first. At the risk of sounding really lame I can't find a fuse and there is nothing about the existance of a fuse except the note on the back panel to always replace with same type fuse and rating. Do I need to take the back panel off to get to it?
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