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Les Tolchner

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Posts posted by Les Tolchner

  1. Here's something I found on a Canadian Audio Store website.Pretty much applies everywhere.

    Do you know Steve?

    Every town has a 'Steve'

    'Steve' is known to frequent garage and yard sales and will go to great lengths to pull information out of the seller for stuff he is looking for even though it is not anywhere in the sale. 'Steve' will think nothing of asking if he can look inside the house to see if the owner is 'possibly mistaken' and maybe has not brought out what 'Steve' is looking for yet. 'Steve 'simply has no conscience to speak of. This will include repeatedly badgering the seller about stuff he is looking for and will even try to pry out information about the neighbors to see if they have what he wants.He will scour every ad in the local papers and will call at anytime, night or day. 'Steve' has no real job to contend with, as this is simply "beneath him to actually work for a living". In the audio world here he is known as a 'Troll'. Mind you, he may go by many, many other names but let's keep this civil. If he happens to find an ad that attracts his attention, "Steve' will call for hours and leave a thousand messages in the hopes of 'blocking out other interested parties'. 'Steve' has been known to bully his way into peoples homes and will whine, beg and plead to the owners about how poor he is and can they please, please, PLEASE sell him their Tannoy Gold speakers that they had advertised for $200.00 (already an ungodly low price), for $50.00 -- or less!'Steve' can do this for hours. 'Steve' will wear these people down until they break. 'Steve' will have those Tannoy Gold's on Craigslist before you can say parasite. 'Steve' will then gloat and brag about how little he paid because these people were 'too stupid to know what they had', and how much he raked in on Craigslist since he was too cheap to use ebay. 'Steve' will never bother about the working condition of an item he puts on Craigslist, and may for the sake of appearance wipe a cloth across the front to make it look good for the camera. When selling to others locally, he will always make reasons and excuses about something, anything as long as he can get your money.'Steve' has literally zero experience with electronics but will happily get a soldering iron into an amp because in his mind, 'Steve' can do anything. If it does not work the way it should, 'Steve' will have literally thousands of excuses as to why not, but will never say it was his fault.'Steve' will always lash out and condemn any person a liar and a cheat if they buy one of his beauties and claim there is something wrong.'Steve' is indeed a parasite that is ruining hobbies everywhere and driving prices to stupid levels in his quest for greed. Yet the funny thing is, 'Steve' is always broke. He may never own a home, may not even own a car, and for the most part will always be alone. It's funny to think that the only happiness people like 'Steve' have, is ripping others off both in the buying and selling of items. I personally know of three or four here in the metro area. The wonderful thing is that he and others of his ilk are now starting to be well known to a great many others and they are also spreading the word.During the last ten years or so, these pathetic losers have slimed their way into every thrift store, every repair shop, and flea market they can find. The word is out however, and storeowners are watching. People here are doing everything they can to inform the public about these guys, and I believe that we are slowly winning.

    One 'Steve' has already moved on.Only two or three to go.

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