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  1. Where is the link to see the post by Thump about his setup? Thanks. I can't find it.
  2. Thanks James. Yes, I did send email to Professor Thump. But he is out of office until July 19th. whoop. Too long. Need get some help somewhere else. Lou
  3. I called product support and they said it's better to get in-wall speakers for LCR if I could. He doesn't recommend using CDT-5800-C for LCR. This is only good for surround. Now I'm confused. It seems professor Thump is happy with 5800-C for LCR? Can I talk to him? Thanks. Lou
  4. Thanks James. I will bring up this question too tomorrow.
  5. James, I just recall another question: It seems all of the Klipsch archtecture speakers don't have enclouse on the back. In-wall and In-ceiling. Do you think that is worse than the enclosed one like Triad Bronze 8LCR, Definitive Techonlogy RSCII, or JBL LS360C. Their in-ceiling speakers all have enclosure. Is this the reason the Klipsch one cheaper than those? Thanks for your input and greeting. [] Lou
  6. Thanks James. I will call them tomorrow to get more information.
  7. I know CDT-5800-C is a good in-ceiling speaker. But is it good for LCR or only good for surround speaker? Please help. Thanks a lot. Lou
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