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Everything posted by sweetcell

  1. update: not getting shocks anymore, despite being plugged into the same laptop (same port, etc). haven't had any for months now. there must have been something wrong about the wiring of where i was plugging in before, or some other external cause, that was making the shocks happen. whatever it was it's gone now.
  2. ah, the eternal consumer vs. producer debate. the car consumer will say "how can you charge tens of thousands of dollars for so much steel, plastic and rubber?", while the car producer says "considering the hundreds of millions i have sunk in this automobile's design, consider yourself lucky i don't charge more!" and therein lies the rub. are the silicon tips expensive to produce on the aggregate? certainly. they are obviously a superior product, hence their popularity, hence my desire to track down another pair. but those sunk costs - engineering, drawings, sourcing, patents, manufacturing, testing, etc - are spread out over tens or hundreds of thousands of units, bringing the individual cost down to pennies. your argument (look how much they cost to deisgn!) holds true only if you produce a small number of units. but there are many other situations that come in to play like convenience, guaranteed quality, volume, etc that make buying directly from klipsch the logical choice. i'm just not in any of those situations.
  3. right, and they're rather expensive IMO. i have a moral issue with paying 1/5 the cost of the earphones for little pieces of moulded silicon that cannot cost more than 10 cents each to produce. but that's me & my strange value system, i'm sure plenty of other folks think ordering them direclty from klipsch is a great idea. and if someday i lose the ones that i've traded for (they're in the mail!), i may yet have to resort to this option. in the meantime, i'll enjoy getting what i need for the price of a stamp
  4. quick update: i've found someone who will trade for my double-flanged set - so they are no longer available. i still have the regular single-flanged small/medium set, and would love to trade them for your set of large ear tips (or even a single ear gel if you don't have both). please let me know if you can help me out. thanks!
  5. hi folks, a newbie here i recently lost one of my large, single-flanged silicon ear tips. i would like to trade with someone to obtain one, two or more replacement large tips (AKA eargels, ear gels, "those rubbery things you stick in your ear canal"). in exchange, i can offer you the other 2 pairs of tips that came with my S4: a pair of single flange smalls (or are they medium?), and a pair of double-flanged small/mediums. i apparently have large ear canals, the small/mediums don't fit me. they have never been used, they haven't even been worn. I went straight to trying the large set, they fit (barely) so i never touched the extras. i'm hoping someone here has smaller ear canals, can't use their large set, and would like to boost their supply of small/meds. if you can help me out please send me a personal message (PM) or contact me directly via e-mail: sweetcell at gmail. thank you!
  6. just a quick "me too". my S4's also give me little shocks.
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