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  1. If you find time, please post your opinion of the real-deals after you get them.
  2. Yogi said "You don't know what you don't know". Well, I didn't know these earbuds are as counterfeited as openly as they apparently are. Unaware of my ignorance, I ordered them, and was reading about them on the internet only to discover the frequency of fakes. So, I asked you how to determine the validity of the earbuds once they arrive. Well, they arrived yesterday. Below is a picture of the case, which fit the criteria you'd listed as a sign of non-authenticity. I contacted the ebay seller who did not refute the counterfeit claim but immediately offered a refund. In fact, she offered the refund far too easily, I guess the very last thing the eBay sellers want is for someone to give feedback as "FAKE EARBUDS", as that would put a damper on sales quickly. I own a pair of Klipsch Custom-2 earbuds and expected the s4's to be in about the same caliber as the Custom-2's. These were far, far from it. So, I don't know anything for sure at this point, except I want my money back. There was no strip in the box. There was three sets of spare ear sleeves, a cleaning tool, NO clip, and the cord was wound up like Ray Charles did it. Oh, the case was magnetic, someone mentioned that as an indicator, but I don’t' know.
  3. Hol-lee-ka-moly !! I think I got lucky and asked the right person the right question. Thanks so much for that! I had no idea that you'd have access to a 100,000 dollar scientific instrument, expert macro and Photoshop skills, and the time to help others. Thank you so much. I think you've out-Klipsch'ed Klipsch. To tell you the truth, I have been mildly disappointed in their responses, "You shouldn't have bought them there", "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're working on it", or "Well…, they've been doing it for years". None of which has proven to be all that useful, at least to me. I like to think that if someone were writing my name on things without my permission, I'd handle it somewhat more aggressively. But then, I’m probably not being fair. I was just so very excited about ordering these, only to have my heart ripped-out by learning that they will probably not be authentic. Life is just an emotional roller coaster. Dang. Thanks again for all your superb help on this, it’s really appreciated.
  4. This is wonderful! thanks a lot for posting this. Can I be a pest and ask if you might post an image of the metal cases with a ruler, or a dime, or something that one could actually measure the case please? That would allow people to quantitatively ascertain if their buds are counterfeit. OR, do you have a better suggestion as to determining, without a doubt, if they are authentic? Plugging them into your ears won't work, because your brain will play tricks on you. Thank you again for this posting, it is a big help to a lot of people.
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