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Everything posted by sosations

  1. "Take the hard road"......you gotta be kidding................ha, bring it!!! Geez, this forum reminds me of the Democrats.............You can dish it but you cant take it.. I can
  2. Flogging.........................Ha, (Classic group think) DUDE, I WON!!!! ........My review was posted! .........end of story, MOVE ON -
  3. Do I want some cheese?? Sure, to go with your Whinnnnnneeee
  4. Dude, you nailed it - Leica, Hassleblad, Eames, Zeiss, etc, etc, if, I may quote you, "Someone cared to make it as good as possible right down to the most minor detail" that's exactly it, and I just wish this once great brand had stayed true to its roots....... Thank You!!!
  5. Skip, What are you talking about??? Why are you picking on my mom, she didnt do anything to you??? Is nothing is sacred??? Also, how have I screwed up? .............by disagreeing with you?? And since when does it require courage to post your opinion? ABOUT A SPEAKER, on a message-board? heck, is this your litmus test for courage??
  6. Gilbert, Thanks for the thoughtful response, and for not getting personal like a lot of the other folks on this forum. As I have mentioned numerous times on this thread the sound on these speakers is great, period. I owned a pair of Heresy's back in the early 80's, and they were and still are a great speaker, and built like a tank. I guess at the end of the day I expected more from this brand, i.e "Great Sound, Great Build", heck, if they could build them out of birch in the 80's why the heck cant they now? most likely reason, (Regardless of what you read here) is bottom line.....and hey, that's ok, just don't expect everyone to be happy about it. Regarding the Eames Lounge (as an example of a brand that still cares about build) I have one, and use it all the time, (boatload of cash) but the tradition, style, & build associated with it made it a much easier buy. Many of the folks on this site would argue a chair like this is only for sitting, and build quality simply does not matter, so they could build it from molded plastic and they would still be happy, I on the other hand would not. Thanks -
  7. Rodger, get a grip, they are speakers!!!! I am very happy you have made friends, I am, maybe you, Kevin, Eldon, Christy, Richard (HA!), Steve, Joey B, Mike, Roger, and Glenn (who you could all take a lesson from) can all get together and throw a "I hate Sosations Party" and burn some Bose brochures! You guys are exhausting, and it seems cannot stand anybody's opinion other than your own -. Also, what is up with you guys and all this "Man" stuff????
  8. Einstein I promise,.......... as soon as "they don't fall apart" I will "man up" (as this forum is the true measure of manhood, at least yours) and send all of you crybabies a big sloppy sorry..............................
  9. "I come here for the friends" .........your joking right!!! "write or call you" .......sure, we can do lunch and maybe you can show me your starwars figurine collection, or I can meet your drum-circle club - Don't know why people are so sensitive on this forum, and if you looked at my "Negative Posts" you will find they are all in response to oversensitive folks like you - Gotta run -
  10. "tell the Truth and don't try to fool and take advantage of people." Hence back to my original post before we went off on the MDF rant, i.e. Klispch does not seem to want to post negative reviews!!!
  11. Easy skippy, watch the launguage - "MDF is solid and stable", so is plastic, whats your point - The Hiii's sound great, they are just poorly built, oh, and my aperion verus forte tower's sound just as good and cost less, and Aperion is not owned by Audiovox - Yes, Klispch does do "sound better than most", they have just let thier build quality slip, at least they could use better veneers No, I wont trade you my Hiii's not until you use some manners....... Ok, now you can get back to listing to your swedish melodic death metal on your kick *** sounding, poorly built system -
  12. Bought em for the sound and the build, have "Never" said they sound bad, Hell, a cubic zirconia looks good, but its not a diamond!
  13. I am not saying you are not correct, and I guess that is my point, i.e. I think they are filtering out the negative comments, which is disingenuous at best. Also, what is up with all of the anti Bose stuff??? (in general, not you specifically) When did audiophiles everywhere become like snobby wine connoisseurs mocking the unwashed masses as they enjoy Bose speakers the way they might enjoy a "Box O Wine" , its almost like you lose your street cred or have your audiophile gang membership revoked if you admit to liking Bose. I really wonder if you did the Pepsi challenge between Bose & Klipsch how many enthusiasts would "Really" be able to tell the difference???..........(OPEN THE FLOODGATES)
  14. Amen, lets get back to the point, Klipsch will not post negative reviews -
  15. Errr, Ok, than they should change the caption to from Write A Review, to "Write A Positive Review" so we all know the deck is stacked -
  16. Appreciate the response, and I agree on the attitude thing, but that goes for everyone, including the Klipsch Apologists, i.e. see my response to Glenn, (A Classy Guy with a thoughtful response) compared to the other guys -
  17. Glen, THANK YOU for your thoughtful reply. Yes, they sound is amazing, I guess I just expected more from a brand I used to love. At the end of the day it was my bad, as I should have delved deeper before I made my purchase. As far as my reasoning I guess it is that I expect to spend money on quality. For example, the Herman Miller company could make the classic Eames Lounge Chair out of cheaper material, i.e. MDF, HDF, or even Fiberglass, and to the laymen who sat in it they may never be able to tell the difference, but there is one, as they have always been made of curved, pressed plywood. Sure, it is expensive, but it is how they have always been made! i.e. quality of construction and tradition. It seems to me that the posters on this forum are more of a fan club than they are actual enthusiast's who are gonna hold the companies feet to the fire when they see the product quality slipping. Again, thank you for your thoughtful response -
  18. Ahhhhhh, this is that new thing called sarcasm!!!! I feel bad, as I don't give you a hard time because you like DC comics and not Marvel..... "One ring to rule them all Sam Wise" - oh, I mean Preston Oh, and one more thing, unless you can post something worthwhile I will not be responding to your reply -
  19. I have been trying to post a 2 star rating on the Heresy iii's now for a week and a half, and Klipsch will not allow the post. Suspicious, I went through the other lines looking for a single bad review and found none, (kinda unbelievable) There is one 2 star rating on the "Quintet 2122 Home Theater System" but it is more of an upsell angle than a critique. My review on the inferior build quality of the Heritage line (H iii) and that they are not what they used to be, i.e. MDF and cheap veneers, and that Klipsch, once a GREAT NAME in sound and build is just another company cutting back on quality to improve bottom line. Klipsch, IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOU ARE THE BEST, ALLOW US ALL TO REVIEW YOUR SPEAKERS, BOTH THE POSITIVE AND THE NEGATIVE!! And BRING BACK 100% BIRCH PLYWOOD, HELL, I WOULD PAY THE EXTRA MONEY!!!
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