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Posts posted by A1UC

  1. Picked these up today and a Aurender N100H to test some DACS


    I’m really impressed with the 600m didn’t think I would be



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  2. The M Scaler Dave combo is phenomenal, you will be a very very happy man, welcome to audio heaven

    Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk

    I had the Dave 2 years ago and sold it when I bought a Totaldac Twelve . But never heard it with m scaler .

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  3. Picked a Chord Hugo TT2 and M Scaler along with a pair Of HE1000 SE to listen to at my summer home .

    I don’t want to leave a 2 ch system there at this time . I already got the Chord gear just waiting on headphones .



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    I don't. And I hope you don't feel like I'm calling you an idiot - I'm not. But after 20 years in the industry, I know servers and I know software and it's just not adding up.

    No Worries

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Small glimpse of sanity..
    And then an asinine statement from the maker about the sonic differences between the differences in software implementations of RAID 1 vs RAID 5 in the OS. Wait.. what?
    I'm done after two pages.. There may be audible differences, I'll admit that, but I refuse to accept the statements made by boutique audio companies trying to carve out a niche by taking advantage of people who don't understand computers while wrapping it in the cloth of elitist audiophilia. I truly hope you enjoy this device, and I truly believe you (and anyone else who buys this) were taken advantage of.

    You have that right , I wasn’t going to make this statement because I don’t want anyone to feel I am talking down to them but here it goes . Maybe you don’t notice certain things because of your hearing or the rest of your gear ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Man, I'm trying. This thread has prompted me to build out a new VM on my vmware host with a fresh windows 10 install. Lots of cores and ram have been allocated and I've installed only the roon server and a trial of hqplayer. Roon will output to HQP and HQP will output to my little raspberry pi running the HQP network endpoint protocol, which is then output over digital coax spdif. I'm assuming there will be a difference since HQP is a new component in the signal chain, but it's also they only reason for the additional compute resources vs a standard low-spec Roon server that's serving up bitstream audio.
    To be fair, my server is big and noisy and there's no way I'd ever stick it inside my house, let alone the listening room. So there's a great deal of effort and cost that goes into making dual Xeon's, a bunch of memory, and NVME pci storage run cool (assuming it's not simultaneously underclocked to reduce heat). But I think I can achieve some semblance of similarity with my equipment. If it's that substantial of a difference, I'll scrap the whole virtualization stack and run everything bare metal, allocating all 24 cores and 128GB of memory, along with GPU CUDA processing for HQP.

    Here is some reading if your interested


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Man, I'm trying. This thread has prompted me to build out a new VM on my vmware host with a fresh windows 10 install. Lots of cores and ram have been allocated and I've installed only the roon server and a trial of hqplayer. Roon will output to HQP and HQP will output to my little raspberry pi running the HQP network endpoint protocol, which is then output over digital coax spdif. I'm assuming there will be a difference since HQP is a new component in the signal chain, but it's also they only reason for the additional compute resources vs a standard low-spec Roon server that's serving up bitstream audio.
    To be fair, my server is big and noisy and there's no way I'd ever stick it inside my house, let alone the listening room. So there's a great deal of effort and cost that goes into making dual Xeon's, a bunch of memory, and NVME pci storage run cool (assuming it's not simultaneously underclocked to reduce heat). But I think I can achieve some semblance of similarity with my equipment. If it's that substantial of a difference, I'll scrap the whole virtualization stack and run everything bare metal, allocating all 24 cores and 128GB of memory, along with GPU CUDA processing for HQP.

    lol believe me I thought over and over asking myself what are you doing , I could build another garage for the price of this server or buy another hellcat for price of speakers . I got sucked into this hobby bad it’s the worst addiction to date .

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