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Posts posted by krusty46

  1. Someone had shared his name and I did a little snooping around.

    Good news is that I didnt find anything. I looked through Obits and the Social Security Death Index.

    The closest matches that came up were no where near California.

    Just thought I'd share. I miss reading his posts--that's one crazy individual.

  2. Just to reaffirm what others have said; on my 3802, I usually watch TV at -30 and movies anywhere between -24 to -17.

    I usually consider anything over -40 to be like muting the receiver. You can hear sound, but not loud enough to distrupt a telephone conversation.

  3. Thanks to all.

    This is exactly what I've been looking for.

    If I wanted to keep my options open to add a ceiling mounted LCD projector in the future, I would just need an outlet in the ceiling? And I guess maybe a PVC tube run so that I could pass a video cable through later on?

    I cant afford to hire a local shop for plans/ideas so I'm trying to figure out what I need on my own. I'm lucky the wife is letting me have this room :-)

  4. My sister in law has a Sony KP57WS500 (I pretty sure thats the model) Anyway, she paid $1950 for it. Best Buy currently has in for $2299. Its widescreen and HDTV upgradable.

    I cant really say that I'm in love with the picture quality after looking at my 36' HDTV Wega all day, but the price and size fit what you looking for. I'm not a very big fan of that "stretching" they do when watching normal TV. And the picture isnt really all that bad with a DVD. And in fairness, when she asked me to make sure she had everything hooked up right, I noticed she had cheap RCA's on the DVD player and a coax cable hooking up her satellite receiver.

    At the time she bought it late last year it got pretty decent reviews. If I were in the market for a TV that size, I like the Mitsubishi's and Pioneer Elites a lot. But both will push you over $2,000. And this is based solely on my observations in walking through my local AV shops to drool.

  5. I cant angle the ceiling very much since a second floor will be going right above it and its only an 8' ceiling to begin with.

    12x12 is the max size, but do you guys feel I'd be better off if I did and 11x12 or a 10x12? I could always build a wall out or build shelving into a wall for the components. If I put a fake wall up, it would help insulate the room from the rest of the house. Two of the walls are shared with outside walls and the third wall is shared with my laundry room. So if i built a double wall that is shared with my living room, It would cut down on noise so I can crank everything up and it would make the room more rectangular. But 10x12 is kinda small, no?

    How about reflective panels on the wall or maybe building cd and dvd racks onto the side walls.

    Thanks again.

    Getting back to the angled walls--you mean to start out as a 10' across and work up to 12' across? I would want it narrower in the front?

  6. We're doing some remodeling of my house and it looks like I'm getting my own room to do with as I please :-)

    The room is being built from scratch and I was wondering if people here could share some pointers with me from their own experiences with building a Home Theater.

    I wont have money for new gear, so I will be sticking with what I own for right now. The biggest problem I think I have is the size of the room which will only be 12' x 12'.

    Any thoughts on wiring, outlets, insulation, where to put the door, lighting, etc.

    Basically anything you felt you may have done differently in hindsight or thought worked out really well the first time.

    Sorry if its a little open ended, I'll share more info if needed.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I use a Sony System Commander (2100?).

    I'm pretty happy with it. I paid about $80 for it from some shop in Yahoo shopping. I know they have a newer model out now but I'm not sure of the model #.

    I'm still on my first set of batteries and its been almost 2 years. I dont use the LCD that much though and I make a point of switching the remote off each time I use it.

    It does pretty much everything I need and was fairly easy to program. I love the fact I can turn my Air Conditioner on from 2 rooms over from my sofa.

    I tried a Rat Shack all-in-one prgrammable before the Sony and it was a nightmare to program stuff that wasnt pre-programmed. That and I didnt feel it was laid out properly. Its in my bedroom now and works great with a simple TV/VCR/DVD setup.

  8. Thanks for the info.

    I've gotten burned too many times on Ebay. People don't seem to care if they get negative feedback.

    My brother actually just lost $50 when the person never sent the item, and apparently, there is little he can do. Ebay claimed they had already kicked the person off before he won the auction (go figure that one out). They told him to contact the Florida Police department.

    It's like my experiences with UBID, I learn from my mistakes and try not to repeat them.

    But thanks again

  9. Like everyone else, I've been told that Coax is better. But before I'd play around with converters I would just use the TOSLINK cable. I'd probably sooner use a good pair of RCA cables before I would mess with a converter. The more crap you add between compnents, the more chances you have to degrade/screw up your signal.

    I just went back and checked out that link you posted. For myself, I spent alot on my Coax cable and I would not want to run it through a $12 part. Especially a part that I have to plug into outlet and could somehow introduce line noise (guys help me out on this--I know digital signals are different than standard cables)

  10. I almost went with an HK before I got my 3802--all I can say is that although a great product, it was just too ugly to put in my living room. That back lit display really bothered me. Enough that I didn't buy it.

    I really do love my Denon and to be fair to it, I probably would have gone with the Denon anyway.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

    This message has been edited by krusty46 on 09-25-2002 at 05:30 PM

  11. I've purchased from big online retailers and had no problems. Even if an item had to be returned. Like Buy.com and Egghead (still around?)

    It is only places like UBID and Ebay that I have gotten screwed.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  12. You can use an RCA cable--to save money. I just happened to have a S-video cable lying around that came with some component.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  13. I can't speak for the DVD player, but I love my Pioneer Laser Disc player.

    I bought the Denon DVD-900 for about $300. I'm very happy with it. They cut corners to get the price down, but they cuts corners with features and not quality.

    I wish it did DVD-Audio or played VCD's like the Toshiba I looked at first for less money. But as a progressive scan player I'm happy with it.

    But if your getting a good discount like you say, you should shoot for a better model. Maybe 2800 mk II.

    I mention these only because you say the others are still too expensive.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  14. It depends. I use all Klipsch speakers.

    I use Legends as mains (KLF-10's) and a Reference (RC-3)at center. To me the match is not that bad. Could be better, but not so bad that I can't enjoy movies and TV. I bought the center first and then came across a deal on the Legends that was too good to pass up.

    I don't use it for music at all. The timbre match between my speakers really gets bad with 5 channel audio. But 95% of what I listen to is movies/TV.

    My father is using bookshelf speakers (KG .5's) with a no name center channel and it sounds aweful. Have yet to make/find an adjustment that even makes it bearable. He just runs the system in 4.1

    So I guess it is pretty important. I'm sure others here will have stronger feelings than myself on this.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  15. Wow, you actually spoke to a human?!?

    When they credit your account, they will probbaly credit you minus the shipping, which in your case was only $.1 (seems to be).

    So not that bad. When it happaned to me I just gave up and took the loss. They charged me the shipping on the one good speaker. Apparently they felt there was nothing wrong with it and I should have kept the single speaker because it worked. So I got charged shipping for onw speaker.

    They had alreday "broken" me after 2 months of trying to get my money back. :-(

    Good luck.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  16. Somewhere in the instructions it mentions that you can't use the component out with the onscreen setup. I made sure I also have an s-video cable goin from the receiver to the TV. I use that everytime I have to make an adjustment.

    Not sure if thats what your probelm is, since I'm not sure what connection your using. So, just a thought.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  17. I managed to get my hands on a copy of the DVD last week and it does indeed look and sound great. Story is pretty decent too. Some of the extras are really geared towards kids though. The animated shorts are good. Only problem is that I watched a trailer for "Mikes New Car" or whatever its called, and the trailer is 1 1/2 minutes and the short is only about 2 1/2 minutes. Go figure.

    As to an earlier post, Final Fantasy looks and sounds incredible!! some good bass. I thought the story was pretty good too.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  18. Thank you! I knew what I wanted to ask, but couldn't get it out right.

    You said it, but I'll repeat it.

    Why save up for a better amp to power your rears then you have to power your mains.

    My friend had purchased an Onkyo amp some years ago to power his rears, but he only paid about $300 for it. He was using an older Denon receiver at the time. He had Klipsch KG 5.5's in the front, but I forget what he had in the rear (think they were NHT's). Anyway, my point is that it sounded really good with the Onkyo amp. It was 2 channels, 150w each.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  19. If an amp was added to the HK 520, would he be forced to use it to power the rear or could he use it in the front instead of using the receiver? By that I mean can he use the 5 built in channels anywhere?

    Otherwise he would be paying for an amp that would outperform his receiver and costs just as much or more that the receiver to power rear surrounds.

    Hope thats clear.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  20. Meant better shielding, not insulation. My bad.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

  21. If your question is "what is the difference between cheap and expensive cable" then cheap cable is a lower gauge (thinner) and has less insulation so it is more likely to let in interference.

    For example, when I was using Monster XP cable, my cell phone was constantly causing interference and a noise would play through my speakers. As soon as I got my MIT Terminator 2 speaker cables the interference went away. Now I only pick up the interference on the cheap speaker cable I use on my computer speakers.


    Mains: KLF 10's

    Center: RC-3 (I know--doesn't match mains)

    Surrounds: Quintets

    Receiver: Denon 3802

    DVD: Denon DVD-900

    TV: Sony 36XBR400

    VCR: Mitsubishi HS-U48

    LaserDisc: Pioneer D605

    MIT T2 and T3cables throughout

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