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Everything posted by Win68

  1. Pat I didn't check klipsch website directly. I believe i checked amazon. I'll have to catch up on the discussion of filters and if it's designed for my subs. I was also looking at the Dayton Audio SPA2400DSP which has plenty of power for both of my subs, however I'm not sure if its dsp is better than my audyssey on my marantz I'd also have to build an enclosure for it
  2. That looks like a nice amp. It looks to be discontinued, but i'll keep my eyes open for one. I've stalled with my project, still trying to select a projector and screen. Meanwhile I'm loving my speakers. I had my first angry neighbor the other night, I forgot I had a window open. !! lol
  3. Dave, how high off the ground did you mount your screen? If I put the screen on the wall I'd like it, i'd would be very close to the floor. I'm thinking about changing my room around and mount the screen on a different wall where I could mount it as high off the floor as I'd like.
  4. Yeah the 8001s aren't suited for ATMOS, at least in my application. I'll take a look at the AW-650s - thanks
  5. no offense Realistic had some good stuff, at least for a high school kid washing dishes to support the hobby. I had a couple different Realistic receivers but traded and eventually bought some Technics gear... receiver, EQ, turn table and tape player lol I have one of the Technics receivers hooked up in my garage right now, but the Mach Ones are the only remaining Realistic gear I have left. I'm pretty sure anyways, I'd have to double check my attic. Ah those were the good ol days
  6. Thanks - I'm loving them. I have another 418 Sub and 6 more KPT-8001s to hookup as well, so I'm expecting the sound to improve. Well I've never heard the 2 way, so I cant compare. I will say that after listening to them for about a week or so now, they sound a little bright, I expect they'll sound better once i spend some time to place them correctly and tune them better. I also think once they're behind the screen that should tame them a little bit. I have some painting to do before I buy a screen and projector, so I just kinda threw them up with hardly any effort to setup.
  7. So how did you like them? and how much did you pay? - just curious I bought these new back in 1980 and i always liked them. I had some B&W speakers I was using until I fried one of them, good thing I did because it finally lit a fire under me to upgrade. I brought these down and they sounded really good - better than the B&Ws imo.
  8. That was my initial thought, however I don't want it so big it'll give me a headache, like if you sit too close to the screen at the movies. I'd like to keep my primary viewing position about 14' to the screen.
  9. Ha - good eye sir. Yes they are. I brought them out of retirement and was using them for awhile
  10. The trouble I have is that I have a several windows that are going to be difficult to deal with. I'll need to shop around for a good solution for this.
  11. I'd like something in the 150' range, but I'm not sure if it'll be too big. My primary viewing position is about 14' from the screen. I'm somewhat open to treating windows for darkness, but didn't want to go that route, because i'm putting the HT in my living room and don't want a darkened cave since it's a somewhat multipurpose room. My original plan was to get a 65' flat screen for daytime TV watching and have a motorized drop down screen, that would drop in front of the flat screen, I could lower at night for movies. Since I'm going to be putting my KPT-435s behind the screen I dont really have room to put a flat screen now. so I guess I'm going to explore my options of window treatment and/or projector/screen combinations to get a good picture during the day.
  12. Thanks CinemaHead - I appreciate it. I added a sub and a couple of surrounds (KPT-8001) to make a temporary 5.1 system. I believe the sub sent my amp into protect mode a couple of times, I guess I'll have to buy a PA amp for my subs after all. It is truly amazing the upgrade in sound over my existing speakers. I cant spend enough time lately cranking these up and enjoying the sound.
  13. Scrappy asked " Are you gonna do a 16x9 screen or 2.35? " I'm not sure yet. I havent really researched my screen and projector. I'm thinking 16x9 because I watch a bit of sports, but I'm not very informed on the topic yet. any recommendations? primers you can recommend?
  14. You're exactly correct... I placed 2 of my KPT-435s about 12' apart and ran the room calibration. It turned out wonderful. It sounds like it's coming exactly from the middle, it's really amazing. I now have hope that I'll be able to put a 435 in each corner, along with one in the center and Audessey will be able to correct the and adjust so I'll have good soundstage for home theater and good separation for stereo playback. Incidentally I'm running 200wpc into each speaker and the sound is phenomenal, I'm going to hook up a 418-SW and see how it sounds with 200wpc. I might be able to avoid buying a PA amp for my subs.
  15. I feel like this is the best kept secret in "home" theater. I auditioned some Revel F208s, as I recall the L/R/C were in the $7,500 range, while they sounded great, these blow them away, in my humble opinion. I understand they're not for everyone if you have the room and ability to buy these they are fantastic.
  16. I guess I'm stressing out over nothing, but whenever I walk by these huge cabinets, they frighten me!!. Here's an example of the side by side setup setup I was referring to, After reading what you said about the soundstage issue it makes sense.. Let me ask you about sub placing? I was planning on putting a KPT-418-SW between each KPT-435, which will push the 435s past the screen also. what would you recommend for sub placement? I'm not sure what size screen I'm going to go with, I haven't really started researching that very much yet. I'm thinking at least 120" tho. my wall is 18' and my viewing distance is 15' from the screen Attached is a rough mark up of my room
  17. Yes I'm hoping Klipsch will be able to sell me a OEM terminal, if not I think can find something that'll work without too much trouble. Yes, I'll post updates on it - it's a bit of a long term project since sadly, it's not my number one priority. I'm a little better than rookie with hifi gear and this is my first pro gear so dialing in will be a challenge, but yes I'm hoping Audessey will do a lot of it for me. I noticed a sticker on the 335 horns that states "When using the KPT-335 HF/MF with the KPT-904/940LF, the output of the KPT904/940LF will be 3db louder than the KPT-335. Compensation for this 3db difference will have to be adjusted when tuning the room" I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, along with my other tuning issues. I dont think I'm going to have all 3 behind my screen. I was planning on keeping the center channel behind the screen and spread out the L and R channels for when I want to listen to stereo music. I have a 18' wall. I have noticed a few pictures of the 904 (with whatever horns), setup side by side by side - is that the preferred setup for cinema? thanks for the support and encouragement.. I cant wait to get this going.
  18. just to update my project... I pulled the trigger on the deal and took receipt of the gear last night. The package is... 2ea KPT-418 3ea KPT-435 8ea KPT-8001 I'm going to use my Emotiva amp on the KPT-435s (Left/Center/Right) I'm thinking about buying a Crown XLS2502 to power the KPT-418s then depending on how my Emotiva goes I might end up adding another Emotiva 100/WPC amp for the KPT-8001s. I'm going to have to research if my 15a circuit will be able to power all the gear, Amps, processor, etc etc. The cabinets need a little TLC, cleaning, and paint touch up. Also I have a missing terminal on one of the KPT-435s (the sub cabinet KPT-904), I need to track one down. But I'm super excited to get everything hooked up eventually.
  19. Hi Scrappy, I appreciate your response and apologize for not getting back to you. I didnt get an email notice and havent looked at this forum in a little while. -- answers below It's my friend Steve in Los Angeles. My room is kinda big but divided with a pony wall that divides it into 2 areas of approx 24' x 25' so I was worried about overkill in the half that's going to be my HT. Ok that's great to hear - I'm starting to stress over the amp situation. I've been reading the specs on these pieces and it's frightening. Luckily I spoke with Trey at Klipsch who was a big help. I'm still stressing on this tho. I was able to push sound thru them, if only a basic test.
  20. Thanks for all the replies I appreciate the welcome and quick replies. The horns are the klipsch 335s I believe and they're coming from Las Vegas. He doesn't have any info on the usage, or age other than they were used commercially. I know it's a little sketchy info, but can anyone give me a range of what they're worth? perhaps the surrounds and subs also - if possible I dont want to overpay for speakers that may need work/crossovers soon I was also considering rf-7ii and rc64ii can I hook them up directly from my amp with RCAs? Can I bi-wire them? Will I need a crazy amount of power to power the sub(s)?
  21. Hello, My room is 24' wide 45' long with vaulted ceilings up to 22' with a short wall 'dividing' the room, but it is still open above and around the short wall. I'm shopping for a 7.2.4 system. I have a marantz av7702mk2 pre processor and an emotiva amp. A friend of mine is trying to sell me some Klipsch pro cinema gear for my room. He has 3 KPT-904 - which i'd use for LCR he also has 2 pro series subs, not sure which model and he can said he can get some surrounds KPT-8001 I think, but I haven't seen them yet, so not positive on the model number. a few questions for you gurus / enthusiasts.... 1) would this work well for my home theater or be complete overkill. 2) will my consumer amp push these speakers? (It's a 7 channel with XLR and RCA 200 wpc) I know I'd have to get an amp for the subs and ATMOS speakers. 3) Can anyone estimate pricing on these types of items? I know they were used commercially, but he doesn't know how many hours on them, purchase date etc. I appreciate any advice you can give. PS. I'm also looking at some vintage Klipsch Chorus speakers as an alternative to the pro series gear and pickup the other speakers separately.
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